Chapter 21

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Now that stage one is complete, we have a week to relax and get ready for stage two, Tom said that some of his friends who passed initiation last year that it is more brutal than fighting. He was told someone threw themselves into the Chasm because he couldn't handle it anymore, I really hope that doesn't happen to anyone this time. For the most part of this week, it's been fun, my friends and I have mainly been hanging out in the pit, talking, laughing, overall just having a good time. Today, however, is Visiting Day, the one day where most initiates get to see their families, but not everyone because sometimes their family can't accept the fact that their kids wanted to go somewhere they wanted to feel accepted. Most of the transfers are scared that no one from their family will come to visit and I don't blame them. I slipped on a simple black dress that fell just below my knees, Sonja insisted that we wore something other than black workout leggings and shirts. I didn't impose, it does feel nice wearing something different since coming here, slipping my black heels on, I walked in front of the mirror to make sure I looked alright, but something was missing. I walked back over to my bunk, slipped my hand under my pillow, and grabbed the necklace Damion gave me; since the first part is over, I won't have to worry about breaking it. Walking back to the mirror, I placed the necklace on and clasped it so it was secure; finally taking a moment to admire myself, I look extremely different since joining Dauntless. I have definitely toned up with all the extra training I've done, I've never seen myself this muscular before, also my face has changed so much as well. I ran my fingers over my now scarred eyebrow, thanks to Bryce from our first fight, he managed to punch so hard that the skin broke and now it looks like I have a slit through my eyebrow, It does look badass though. My eyes scanned the necklace on my neck one last time before leaving the dormitory, God I miss you, Damion...

I met up with everyone in the pit to await instructions. "Listen up, remember that today is just a one-time thing so don't get attached to your families, you know, if they even show up. Here at Dauntless, we take "Faction before Blood' very seriously."

With that being said, a set of doors opened, and in came all the different families, each excited to see their kid. Both Dauntless born and Transfer ran towards their families, wrapping them in hugs and loud chatter quickly filled the Pit. I walked around aimlessly knowing that my mother wasn't going to show up and I knew she wouldn't let Damion visit me either, no distractions. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me towards them quickly, turning my head, I realized Sonja was pulling me to meet her family, "Mom, Dad there is someone I want you to meet. This is one of my best friends, Ash. She was from Erudite." They both smiled at me with such kindness as I looked at them, Amity... "It's nice to meet you guys." I stuck my hand out but was pulled into a big hug instead. "A warning would've been better you guys," Sonja said as she pulled me out of it. I shook my head towards her, "It's fine, I forgot that Amity is more of the hugging type for greetings." I turned back to her parents with a soft smile. "Sonja tells us that you were the first friend she made here." Her father spoke, a cheerful tone in his voice. "Yes, her fire-like energy made it easier to keep her around," I joked, earning a slight nudge on the arm from her, "but I just have to say that she definitely belongs here and I am so amazed by how much she has grown since coming here. You guys should be proud of her." They both said that they are and are happy that she knew where she belonged.

After a few minutes of talking, I excused myself to see if I can find any of the boys, but my search was cut short when I felt another person drag me with them. "Mom, Dad, this is Ash. One of the most badass people I have ever met and somehow trusted me to pick out her first couple of tattoos." Tom's parents shook my hands and I could definitely see where he gets his spitfire personality. I bounced between Tucker and Jordan's families as well, making me feel less upset that no one came to see me, slipping out of the Pit, I made my way to the Chasm and decided to sit against the wall. "How come you're over here?" Eric asked as he stood next to me. "Too many people in the pit and I didn't want people to take pity on the fact that no one came to visit me." He gestured to me, asking to sit down. I nodded my head and watched him, "Are you upset about that?"

"No, not at all. I knew my mom wouldn't come here and I knew she would tell the one person that I want to see that they couldn't come here."

"What do you have a boyfriend or something back in Erudite?" I almost wanted to laugh so hard when he asked that, but he sounded like he was genuinely being serious. He almost sounded a bit... jealous? "Yeah, no. With how my life was like back in Erudite, I didn't have time to talk to boys. It was always wake up, go to school, go to training, do homework, help out at the lab, go to bed, and repeat. This someone, however, is like a brother to me, his name is Damion. He was always there when I needed him and since he is my mom's assistant, I got to see him every day. It's a bit weird not being able to, but I'm just not surprised that he isn't." He looked at me and I could tell his eyes were wandering slightly, landing on my collar.

"Where did you get that necklace?"

"Oh, Damion gave it to me before I left." I placed my hand on the necklace.

"Why are there 3 different colored diamonds?"

I felt my stomach drop slightly, "Um, it marks three different factions; blue for Erudite, my home faction; black for Dauntless, my current faction; and yellow for Amity, Damion's home faction before he transferred." That seemed convincing, right? "Didn't know a softie could be intelligent." Eric's voice seemed shocked. "I don't understand why people think so little of Amity, just because they value peace doesn't mean that they can't do bigger and better things. Look at Firefox, she is killing it in her rankings right now and Damion is the assistant to the top person in Erudite. Give them some credit." Nobody understands them at all.

We sat in silence for a while, just listening to the faint sound of water coming from the bottom of the Chasm. It was nice and also strange, being like this with Eric, I guess I'm just used to us going at each other's throats, I wonder what's gotten into him. "Ash," I looked past Eric and saw Max standing by the bridge, "there is someone who is here to see you."

Confused, I stood up and walked towards Max when all of a sudden the biggest smile appeared on my face, "Damion!" I practically jumped into his arms as he wrapped them around me, spinning me around, "God, I've missed you Sunshine." He set me down and pulled back to look at me, smiling so wide. "Well would you look at you, I can barely recognize you. You look so grown up, and did I hear that correctly? It's no longer Sasha?" I shook my head. "I figured I needed a badass name to fit in." Damion nodded his head. "Well, it suits you." He gave me a wink and I smiled even wider if that was possible. "What are you doing here? Is my mom with you?" I looked behind him but didn't see anyone. "She doesn't know I'm here, so I only have a little bit of time and Max said he would make sure she doesn't find out." The sound of someone clearing their throat made us both turn our heads to see who it was. Eric was standing next to Max, just a bit confused, "Oh Damion, this is Eric. He is one of the leaders here at Dauntless." They shook hands and said hello to each other. "Now I heard that Dauntless has some of the best chocolate cake here and I have to try it. Shall we Sunshine?" Damion stuck his arm out and I wrapped my arm around it. "We shall. Thank you so much, Max." We walked away and I could feel a pair of eyes on me, making my body shiver.

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