Chapter 8

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After everyone fell through the hole and onto the net, we all lined up to the side of the giant net and waited for someone to tell us what to do. "Dauntless born follow Lauren, initiates stay with me." A bunch of the Dauntless born went and followed, who I assume is Lauren, down a long hallway until they were all gone.

"My actual job is working in intelligence, but I have been assigned to be your training instructor. My name's Four." Four? What an unusual name, wonder what it means... "Any questions?" He asked us and we all just looked at each other. "Follow me." All of us followed Four down the opposite hallway. We all walked down the dimly lit, cold hallway and I couldn't help but shiver, "You okay?" Sonja whispered to me. "Yeah, just got cold all of the sudden," I whispered back, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Welcome to the Pit, the center of life here at Dauntless. Here, you will find the tattoo parlor, shops for clothing, bars, parties take place here a lot, and you will also find a lot of us hanging out here after training." I looked down into the Pit and saw everything Four talked about.

The shops, the tattoo parlor, the bars, and all the walks of Dauntless life, each with their own tattoos, hair color, and set of piercings. Oh yeah, definitely getting piercings and tattoos, I don't care what my mother says, "Ash," I turned my head towards Four, "let's go." Guess I was lost in thought if he had to call my name and my name only.

I followed him down the other hallway, (Note to self: Learn your way around this place, you will get lost.) and all you could hear was the sound of rushing water, "What is this place?" A Candor transfer asked. "The Chasm reminds us that there's a fine line between bravery and idiocy. A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life." Another note to self, don't be a stupid idiot around here.

I looked over the railing that blocked you from falling into the chasm, I stepped back and continued following Four to who knows where this tour is going. We all walked through these double doors that lead to multiple bunk beds and one large open bathroom, "This is where you all will be staying for the next ten weeks. If you don't like the bathroom situation, learn to deal with it." Thanks for the lovely boost of confidence Four... "Grab some new clothes, pick a bunk, get ready, and then go to the cafeteria. It is down the hall and to the left, try not to get lost Amity." Firefox frowned at him.

Four walked out of the dormitory, leaving us all to just look at the four walls we will be staring at for the next ten weeks. I went over to the table that had the new clothes we have to change into, after taking a few minutes to find my size, I picked a bed and put the new clothes under the bed. Thank god I put the black workout clothes under my Erudite clothes, the only thing I had to do was put on the boots and jacket we were given.

"Bunk buddies! I call top bunk!" Firefox pretty much threw herself on the top bunk. "Not fair, I wanted the top bunk." I pouted at her and she laughed. "You snooze, you lose." I finished lacing my boots, threw on my new jacket, and walked out of the dormitory. I was on my way to the cafeteria when I heard Max call my name, "Sasha, your mom wants to see you." Why is she here, I mean I just left? I walked over to Max, who was leading me to his office since his name was on the door.

He opened the door for me and there sat my mother, she turned around when she heard the door open, "Perfect, right on time. I have some things to discuss with you before you can really get settled here." I slowly nodded my head and sat down next to her. Max closes the door, leaving me with my mother to talk about whatever it is she wanted to discuss. "First off, I brought you these," she handed me a bag that had a big box of my contacts and my glasses, "I knew you would need these." I smiled at her and thanked her. "Next thing is-" Mom stopped talking when the door opened up.

In walked a man, very built, broad shoulders (completely opposite from Four), he wore all black, but the jacket he wore was dark grey. When he looked at me I could examine his face; his face was very sculpted, his icy grey eyes sent a shiver down my spine when we made eye contact, two black piercings right above his eyebrow, rectangular tattoos on both sides of his neck, and he had dirty blonde hair that was shaved all on the bottom, but the top part was slicked back and not a single hair was out of place.

"You wanted to see me, Jeanine?" His strong voice echoed off the walls and seemed to hit my back because of it. "Perfect you are right on time, Sasha this is Eric. He is going to be training you every day until initiation is over." I sprung out of the seat, very pissed off.

"What?! Do you understand how much training I am going to be doing here anyway?!" Eric chuckled under his breath. "I don't care, you need to train. Final decision, end of discussion." Does she realize that I am in a new faction, therefore she doesn't have control over the things I do? "You better listen to your mother." Eric folded his arms over his chest and I wanted to scream. "Butt out of this, I didn't ask for you to tell me what to do."

"Well you have no choice but to listen to him because not only will he be your instructor during initiation, he will also be the one training you, and he is a leader here at Dauntless." What the hell!! Why can't I have Max train me?! "I don't want him training me." I placed my hands on my hips and stuck out my hip. "What's wrong? Afraid of taking a beating?" Oh my god, he was so cocky.

If only he knew how many years Max had been training me also the number of times I have kicked his ass. "If this is done then I am going to leave. Training starts tomorrow at four and will go on until seven, which will give you an hour to get ready for training." He walked out of the room and I ran to the door. "Four in the god damn morning?!" I called out to him.

He turned around while still walking and put a cocky smirk on his face, "See you bright and early sunshine." He turned right back around and I watched him walk further away. The word 'sunshine' should've felt foreign to my ears, the words weren't in the right person's mouth, I should've yelled at him to never call me that. Why didn't I feel or do any of those things? "Before I leave, I have a surprise for you." My mother's voice pulled me back to reality as I looked at her and walked back into the office, closing the door behind. "More training?"

Mother just brought the corners of her up as her way of finding my joke "funny." "It is a lot better than that." It better be or I am going to be extremely disappointed. "You can come in now." My mother spoke into a device that was not in her hands this whole time I have been talking to her. I heard the sound of someone walking into the room, "It's only been an hour sunshine! Did you really miss me that much?" My whole body turned around so fast at the sound of his voice.

"I told you, you would like this surprise." My mother's voice was just background noise for me as I ran to him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. "I'll leave you two to talk for a few minutes, but then we must leave Damion. She will need to focus." My mother left Max's office, closing the door behind her so we could talk. I pulled back from our hug to just stare at him, to make sure I won't lose any detail of him while I am stuck here. "Did your mother tell you that staring is rude?" I slapped his arm at his stupid question. "Can't you stop being an ass for two seconds?" His laugh brought music to my ears as I tried to embrace every second I had with Damion until he had to be taken away from me for who knows how long.

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