Chapter 6

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When I woke up this morning I felt completely drained; physically, mentally, and emotionally. All I hope for is that there will be no training at Dauntless today or else I will be royally screwed. I threw on a pair of black workout leggings to go under the blue pants I was wearing because you can never be too prepared at Dauntless, a simple workout tank top that goes perfectly with my blue blazer, I put on my flats because there is no way I'm showing up to Dauntless in heels. After I got dressed, I threw on some concealer to cover up my dark circles, mascara, and some lipstick before I put my contacts in. "You ready Sasha?" I heard my mother ask from outside the door.

I opened my door and her face broke out into a small smile, "Look at how grownup you are becoming." I smiled small back. "Let's get today started shall we?" She nodded her head towards me and we left the apartment. I studied every inch of the building before we got into the car just so I never forget it, I don't know how I would ever forget the place I called home, but it didn't hurt to soak in everything one last time.

As the car pulled up to the big auditorium, where the Choosing Ceremony was taking place, I felt my nerves starting to sink in. This was really happening, was it? My life is about to change and I'm still not sure if it is for better or for worse. Damion opened the door for me and his usual wide, bright smile greeted me, "How is my sunshine doing today?" I stepped out of the car and smiled back. "Oh, just another day in paradise." My sarcastic remark made him laugh, but it made my mother give me her look. Do you know that look parents give you when you did something that they don't approve of? Yeah, that look. Damion, my mother, and I walked into the giant building to see all the factions talking, laughing, some were crying, others just sat in their seats spectating.

The three of us sat down in the Erudite section of the auditorium right as it was about to start, every year the leaders of the factions switch out who runs the Choosing Ceremony. This year Amity is doing it, then next year mom gets to announce it, Johanna gracefully made her way onto the stage and greeted everyone with a warm smile, "Hello everyone and welcome, the factions system is formed by many different walks of life, all of you.

The future belongs to those who know where they truly belong and I hope that all of you be happy with the faction you choose." Oh Johanna, if you only knew what I was going through. "When you all leave this room, you will no longer be dependents, but full-fledged members of our society. Faction before blood." Everyone, including myself, repeated that same phrase back to her before she started calling out the names.

I felt Damion slip his hand into mine and gave it a squeeze, "I'll always be here for you. No matter what." His whisper seemed to put me at ease during the rest of the ceremony, you know... Until Johanna called my name. I slowly got up from my seat, still holding onto Damion's hand until I had to let go. I felt every single eye on me, which didn't help me at all since I felt like curling up into a corner and hoping no one will notice. At this point, my body just sorta went into autopilot, from the time I had made it to the bowls, to picking up the knife to cut my palm.

It wasn't much, but the knife left a little sting after piercing my skin. I set the knife back down at the table and looked at the bowls in front of me, my eyes traveled to the Amity bowl, but my hand went to the Dauntless bowl. When I looked at Johanna, all she did was smile at me and as my blood dripped into the boring coals, I felt my entire future being ripped away from me all in a matter of moments. "Dauntless." The entire Dauntless side of the auditorium screamed out in excitement. I walked over to my new faction and one of them offered me their seat, I turned my head towards Erudite to see pretty much everyone (besides my mother and Damion) completely shocked.

Can you blame them? The daughter of an Erudite leader, choosing Dauntless over the home faction, no one would've thought that I would leave the "nest," but if they knew the truth they probably would understand what I have to do. The ceremony finished up with the last teenager picking Abnegation as their faction, they were a Dauntless born... And just like that everyone stood up from their seats and all of us sixteen-year-olds followed the faction of our choosing.

Now it's time to start our lives, we are no longer considered children in this society, now we are adults who must learn how to truly fit into this society.

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