He corrected firmly, "I was expecting a kiss!" Perhaps not at that particular moment. In his original plan, he would have lots of kisses, from her.

She sidestepped him, took several steps towards his t-shirt, but at a tangent to him to avoid bumping into him. "Fine!" She snapped. And she reminded him in a tone that revealed she was not happy, "In any case, you said no." She stooped and reached for his tshirt on her bedroom.

He was delighted to see she was not distressed by his blemishes, the welts from operations and his wounds' scars but was upset because he had left litter, his shoes and tshirt on her bedroom floor on the floor! She straightened up, only to find he had retraced his steps. She scowled. Regan pressed the tshirt to his chest.

He muttered drolly, his eyes on her, "That was my stupid phase and it only last one second." His palms kept her hands and tshirt on his chest

When he did not take the tshirt that she had pressed against his chest, she retrieved her hand from beneath his palm and walked away, fast. His tshirt ended back on the floor because Regan released it and Gray ignored it. He could not believe how happy he was to see her reactions.

She was close to her bed, her brush with the tiger in her bedroom, was making her legs were wobbly. Gray watched her eyes. He took a deep breath, seeing the unvoiced message in her eyes. He tried to hold onto his composure. Yes, of course he wanted them to have sex, here, now, but only if it was consensual.

"No! You said no because you have integrity and values!" Regan told him and then consciously steadied herself by reaching for her bedside cabinet. He was still removing items of clothing.

"You think I have integrity and values? Thank you." He had just unfastened the button to his jean.

"Gray! Stop!" Regan glanced around wondering whether she could find somewhere to sit and not on the bed, but she really needed to sit, given her knees were buckling. "Stop stripping!"

He was not deterred by her order. "I'm not going out with Caro."

"What? Oh." Regan closed her eyes as guilt hit her but closing her eyes was not a good idea as she conjured him removing his jeans because he had just unfastened his jean and was lowering the zip. "Gray! Stop. Just stop. If we stop now. Here. Now." She whispered to herself, "She doesn't have to know. Cause nothing happened." Her heart smirked, not at the moment, and if he removes his jeans, then all bets were off.

"Regan, apparently you think I have a girlfriend." He said bluntly, "But you're wrong." He came closer, was still wearing his jeans. His jeans was unbuttoned and unzipped. "So, listen carefully!" She narrowed her eyes. His lips crinkled at the corner he said, " I am not going out with Caro. No girlfriend." Smiled. "Not at the moment." Tipped his head and said, " But hopefully, within the next one hour, or, make that one day," as he reviewed his plans for this night, "I might have a new girlfriend."

She blinked. "A new girlfriend." Her heart beat escalated.

"Yes. You!" He told her, reading her mind. He wanted to haul her close. She said nothing. Her heart hammered. His gaze moved to meet hers. "I stopped seeing Caro ages ago." His heart hammered, lust mixed with anxiety.

"Oh?" She plopped onto her bed, and was equally fast when she stood up. She moved away from the bed.

Gray reached for her arm to stall her. "Yes. Months ago, actually." He let go of her arm. And she did not move away. Her gaze met his. Gray said softly, "And I have not been out with anyone since then."

She licked her lips and caught her lower lip between her teeth. Her eyes were asking questions that were lodged in her throat.

Gray came closer. "Caro and I broke up after our near-kiss in the paddock!" He replied with more than a hint of a challenge.

She arched an eyebrow. "So you broke up with..."

He leaned toward her whispering beneath his breath, "No spark there." He remained standing, his eyes on Regan's eyes, trying to see if his statements were registering in her brain.

Regan gulped. Spark? Her system was glowing with sparks, every nerve was alight, all because he was practically naked in her bedroom. Something that she had only imagined in her dreams and now that he was shirtless in her bedroom, she was trying to avoid him.

"I, and Caro, agreed we were in the friendship zone." He poked his tongue into his cheek, took a second, then exhaled, and said softly, "And I told her I had feelings for you."

"What?" Regan blinked. Feelings. Did he say feelings?

He decided to be honest. "Regan, I never had sex with Caro." Regan gulped. "But I can imagine being naked with you. And trust me, in my head I have already rehearsed what I want to do with you. What I thought we could do together."

Her brows rose as she looked over at him in utter shock. "What?" She gulped, "You have rehearsed what you want to do with me?"

He smiled as he came nearer, "Yes. And now," He stepped up, flicked open a button on her shirt. "Time to move from imagination to reality." She did her best not to gulp again as the pad of his fingers brushed against her skin. Her skin was flushed and her nerves sparked. She could hear her own heart as it thumped fast and loud. "Do you want this?" His eyes on her, he flicked open a couple of buttons on her shirt. She remembered his touch and the movie replayed in her brain. "Regan?" He really wanted to be sure that Regan was ok with this. He mumbled, "Are you ok with this?"

She blinked like an owl and rubbed her ear lobe. "Yes, but..." She glanced at her arm and the watch on her wrist "it is early...." She heard him chuckle and she rolled her eyes before she added, "why now?"

"Why not?" He asked quietly.

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