Getting Nowhere

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It was happening again. Naruto and Sakura arguing like childish lawyers, Kaori slamming the door open showing her very much alive self, Kakashi walking in to start class—it was restarting again.

None of it made sense to me. Originally, I thought avoiding the crime scene at the riverbank would put an end to this loop. If Kaori hadn't been shot, then everything would go back to finally being normal.

So how did I end up back here, reliving the same day for the fourth time? After bypassing the route home, after ensuring that she was as far away from being murdered, after going through the frustration of dealing with someone as adamant as her, she still died.

I don't understand. It was supposed to end yesterday. Then why? Why am I still here? Why did time reset again?

Thoughts ploughed my brain like a truck, and it was impossible to focus on my homework tasks. My brain was so bombarded and restless, I barely noticed Naruto frantically trying to get my attention. Although I do ignore him plenty of times, this time was accidental.

"Dude, what is with you today?" he complained, crossing his arms.

"Nothing," I replied.

He grunted. "There's something bothering you, and I wanna know what it is."

I glanced away from him. "Nothing is bothering me."



"Teme—what is going on with you, huh?"

"I'm not going to repeat myself," I snarled. "So drop it."

"Not until you give me a good reason."

"It's none of your business."

The blonde leaned forward. "Tell me, Sasuke."

"Naruto, just drop it."

"No. You've been out of it all morning. This isn't like you."

"Am I not allowed to not be like me for a moment?"

Naruto stuttered, mixing all the words in his dictionary and made this one awful sound. "Fine. Don't tell me what happened. But you can't keep this a secret forever."

With the way time kept resetting, I was positive no one was ever going to find out about my situation. His warning seized to affect me.

Lunch sprang around and I knew that my time was running short to try and persuade Kaori for the second time. After the last excursion, I wasn't entirely sure how to sway her. When I was so sure that the reason time reset from a bullet, it confuzzled me to think it would restart the day again after a car crash. The image was still clear in my mind.

I pushed it aside and tried to focus on the task at hand. I had no time to dwell when the end of the school day was creeping closer. I needed to act now.

As I proceeded to get out of my seat and look for her, I noticed her absence in the room. That puzzled me. For my plan to work, I kind of needed Kaori to be a part of it. But where could she be? Everyone else is still here so it's possible she went to the restroom and would come back to sit with her friends.

I waited a few more minutes to let that theory come into play. Still no sign of her anywhere. My mind was in a whirlpool as I tried to reckon wherever in the world she could be. If it wasn't the classroom, where else would she have gone to?

As if on cue, my eyes drifted over to the window. Of course, this was facing the wrong side of the outdoors, but that quick glance at one of the swaying trees, it's multicoloured leaves dancing around it, I knew exactly where she would be. Without sparing a glance at Naruto as he suddenly shouted something at my departure, I sprang through the halls and down the stairs.

𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒 ━━ S. UCHIHAWhere stories live. Discover now