#2 - You Get Stuck In The Maze

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Hope you like it! I don't own the Maze Runner trilogy/movies, James Dashner does and so does the director.



        You push yourself farther, hoping to reach the doors. You hear the sound of them closing. "No!" You whisper, running to the small opening. "Y/N!" Newt screams. "Newt!" You scream back. "NO!" He bangs against the now closed wall. And then you realize,

You're stuck in the Maze.

For the night.


        You both run to the doors. Thomas darts through, but then a Griever comes up behind you. "Y/N!" He screams, voice shrill with worry. The Griever grabs your waist and pulls you back. You stab its eye, making it shriek and fling you against a stone wall. Black spots dance across your eyes and you hear something shut. Great. You're stuck in the Maze tonight.


        "See ya later shuck face!" You yell, parting from Minho. He smirks and runs to his section.

        "MINHO!" You scream, running as fast as you can. The Griever has been chasing you for thirty minutes and you were slowly losing your strength. "NO! Y/N!" His yell pierces the air. You reach the doors, but there's only about half a foot opening. "Bye." You whisper, sliding underneath the ivy. The Griever passes you. But you stay under the vines.

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