#16. You're On Your Period

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You do your job until you get really bad cramps. Then you just lay around in pain and wait for Thomas to get back from the Maze.

Normally when you're on your period you're a mean little shank.


When you're an your period you do your job because you don't like to stand still. Then at night when you and Minho are laying on your hammock you complain about life and whimper in pain.

Normally you're very sassy and snarky when you're on your period.


When you're on your period you just sit in the Med-Jack hut rubbing your stomach. You'll do your job though.

When you're on your period you don't take klunk from anyone and you're super sensitive.

Aris -

When you're on your period you do your job with no complaints - or that's what everyone thinks. At night, when you and Aris are about to go to sleep, you rant about your day and how everyone is so insensitive.

When you're on your period you get angry and irritated.

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