#20. Your Biggest Fear

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You have thantophobia.

Thantophobia is the fear of losing someone you love.

(Thankfully you don't have to worry since Tommy is the main character😒)


You stood there, waiting for Thomas to get back from training the new runner. "Y/n-" "Shut up." You cut Minho off, tears gathering in your eyes. The sound of an alarm fills the air and you suck in a breath. The doors begin to rumble and close. Thomas and the new runner round the corner, fear written all over both their faces. "Thomas!" You scream. He looks you straight in the eye and pushes himself harder, not wanting to disappoint you. They both just barely make it, and you throw your arms around his neck, pretty much hyperventilating. "Holy shuck Thomas. I've never been so afraid." You whisper to him, still holding him tightly. His arms wrap around your waist and his breathing slowly calms. "I know." He buries his face in the crook of your neck. "I know."


You have atelophobia.

Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection; the fear of not being good enough.

(You don't have to worry reader. You're perfect the way you are😘)


You sigh and pull on your tank top, making it hide your stomach. "What're you doing?" Aris walks up behind you. You shrug. "The girls are all prettier than me. Skinnier and taller." You look down and pull you hair into a ponytail. "Y/n-" You raise your hand. "Just-I need to go." You dart out of the room ready to run for the day.
You dread going back. You'd heard some of the girls talking about how ugly and fat you were yesterday. The doors start to close and you pause for a moment. Aris screams your name and you start sprinting towards the door. You fall into his arms, breathing hard. "You're insane." He whispers, keeping you close to him. "Don't ever do that again. You're perfect and amazing you got it?"


You have cherophobia.

Cherophobia is the fear of getting your hopes up or being happy out of fear something bad is going happen.

(But never be afraid to be happy. It's a great feeling☺️)


"I don't like this Minho. It just doesn't seem right." You look over at him. "What do you mean? Are you with Gally?" You roll your eyes. "Shuck no! All I'm saying is we shouldn't get our hopes up." He sighs, walking over to you and massaging your shoulders. "You're afraid aren't you." You close your eyes and give a small nod. "Why?" He whispers. "Because of what happened with Nick." You turn around and lay your head on his chest, hands clasped with his. "I know y/n. But it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen." But something did.


You have athazagoraphobia.

Athazagoraphobia is the fear of forgetting, of being forgotten or ignored, or being replaced.

(You'll never be forgotten or replaced. You have me. And I'm your friend right?😌)


A new girl came up last week. You should be thrilled.
But you definitely weren't.
"Why don't you make me a runner Newt." You roll your eyes. Angie smirks and places her hand on Newt's leg and he doesn't stop her.
That's it.
"Why don't you shut up?" You shoot her a sickly sweet smile followed by a glare. Everyone looks at you, shocked. "What the shuck y/n!?" Newt exclaims. You roll your eyes and finish your food in silence. You get up and toss your plate into the wash bin, practically running from everyone's gaze. An overwhelming sense of fear came over you. What if they replace you with her? Ignore you? Forget about you? You scale up the ladder and lay on the floor of the look out tower, gazing at the stars, their looks of horror and disbelief replaying in your mind. "Love?" It was the first time he'd actually started a conversation with you this week. "What do you want?" You wanted to be left alone but at the same time, you didn't. "What's wrong love? Did I do something wrong?" You laugh humorlessly. "Did something wrong? Have you even talked to me this week? Oh wait. No you haven't. You've been too busy with flirty Angie to notice your shucking girlfriend." He sighs. "Love-" "Shut up." You hiss, climbing down the ladder. "Love! Please!" You hear his uneven footsteps behind you. "What?" He takes your hand and spins you around, kissing you on the lips. "I love you. Not some dyed blonde girl who can't do anything. Yeah?" You nod. "Good that."

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