Sincerity is scary

Start from the beginning

"Ever been in a car crash?" Madison asked as Lauren flexed her hands against the wheel.

"This is a minor incident." Lauren scoffed, pulling up alongside Austin's car.

He glanced over and his eyes went wide. Lauren grinned at him before turning the steering wheel roughly. Madison squeaked as the two cars went spinning around, Austin's Bently smashing up onto the pavement and into the side of a building.

Lauren had managed to brake just before too much damage could be done. Madison leaped out of the car and hurried over Austin; hauling him out of his smoking car and dragging him to Lauren's.

Lauren watched in the mirrors as Madison smashed his head against the trunk of the car before popping it open and bundling him inside.

All of it was over in a matter of minutes.

Lauren's sleek Ferrari disappeared into the rapidly darkening night, only a few scrapes and scratches in the paint work.


Austin's head was pounding when he woke up. Lights were off, the room dark. Something was stuck on his face. His hands moved to wipe it away but he found he couldn't move.

"What the..." Austin blinked and tried to make his eyes adjust.

"Madison here, is adept at tying people up. And unfortunately for you, it's not in a kinky way." Lauren mused, sat on a chair a few feet in front of Austin. The lights flickered on and Austin felt the colour leave his face.

Behind Lauren was Madison, gone was the formal suit, instead she wore a ripped and stained jumpsuit.


"Unfortunately, the Jauregui policy on snitches just got updated." Lauren winced and shrugged. Austin started struggling against the rope.

"I didn't snitch." He snapped before deciding keeping his mouth shut would be better.

"Mads." Lauren said quietly. "Teach him some manners."

Lauren pulled out her phone, scrolling her Instagram and ignoring the groans and grunts from Austin having the shit beat out of him. She even managed to find a new gun runner through Dinah and Normani.

Some dude named MGK. She wasn't gonna ask what it stood for and honestly she didn't care.

Apparently BB Investigations had helped set them up.

Lauren made a mental note to thank Camila.

"Lauren?" She looked up and scrunched her nose up at the sight before her.

"I'd say he's had enough." Lauren said, standing up and straightening her jacket sleeves. "Dump him and the car in the river. Keep it weighted." Madison nodded, grabbing a pistol from the back of her jeans and facing Austin.

Lauren sighed and started typing out a number in her phone. She'd just hit call when a gunshot sounded out.

Finally someone picked up.

"Joey, my man, so I'm in need of a new car..."


Camila had spent the last 24 hours trying to forget Lauren's cryptic call.

She hadn't heard anything. Not from Lauren, not from her informants, not from the 99.


She almost put it down to a strange hallucination brought about from overworking, sexual frustration and being half asleep.

Yet when Lauren pulled up in a black Lamborghini, Camila felt her stomach pull. She was on desk duty until Blackbear said otherwise.

Again, something about overworking.

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