Chapter 39

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Season 3 Episode 19

Void Sarah was in the basement of the school with one of Argents emitters, she lets out a small chuckle before pressing it in, waiting for the werewolves to come to her. 

"Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me. I swear to god, it's me." Void Sarah tells them, holding her hands up in surrender and the twins roar, readying to attack her.

"Wait, stop." Scott protests, but they still go to attack. "I said stop!"

"It's me, Scott. I swear it's me. I don't. know where I've been the last two days, or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise." Void Sarah easily lies.

"You know what happened at the hospital." Ethan questions.

"I know more than that." Void Sarah answers, holding ups tube of paper. "You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all these markings in red? That's my handwriting. I know I did this. I caused the accident." Void Sarah explains, rolling out the sheet of paper and showing them. "And everything in this bag? It's stuff that could be part of something bigger."

'What the hell have you been up to?" Ethan questions.

"I think it's something worse.. A lot worse." Void Sarah tells them with a fake fear in her voice. The three werewolves and Stiles begin to pull out the materials in the bag.

"What the hell were you doing? Building a terminator?" Aiden questions in disbelief.

"Thank you for that." Void Sarah sarcastically remarks.

"Guys, this is a map." Scott reveals.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?" Ethan questions.

"That's the Tate car, where Malia Tate's family died." Scott tells them.

"You mean, that's where her father put the steel jawed traps." Void Sarah says, remembering her last experience with the traps. They share a worried look and leave the school building, jumping into her car and they speed over to the cross country site.

"Cupcake!" Void Sarah shouts, running over to him.

"Stilinski! Whoa.." Coach says, looking over the group that just came out of the car. Void Sarah immediately gets to explaining her lies as the werewolves try to stop the track team from running. His eyes widen at the danger and they run towards the end of the track where the team are running towards but they were faster and were able to stop them while they were ahead.

"Scott! Stop! Stop, everyone stop!" Void Sarah shouts, topping at the trees and moving the leaves away to reveal a length of chain. She pulls it up from the floor and keeps pulling until she reaches the end, she fakes a frown of confusion and coach starts to walk away.

"Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on." Coach reveals, stepping forward unaware that he's tripped a wire.

"Coach." Void Sarah warns and that's when an arrow embeds itself into his chest.

"Oh crap." He mutters, looking down to the arrow in his chest before he falls onto the ground. "Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" 

"Coach." Void Sarah starts.

"Get it out of me! Oh my God, I'm gonna die! Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!" Coach shouts in pain.

"Coach, you're not gonna die-" Void Sarah shouts in frustration.

"I'm gonna die!" Coach shouts.

"It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach-" Aiden starts but get's cut off by Coach.

"Get that thing out of me! Ahh!" Coach screams.

"Stay still, Coach. An Ambulance is coming." Aiden tells him.

"Get it out! I'm going to die!" Coach shouts and the group push back the students to make room.

"Get back! Get back! Give him some room! Get back!" Aiden demands as Scott starts to take some of his pain and Aiden turns back around to see Coach passed out. "I think he just passed out."

"I could have killed him. I could have killed hi, right? What if it was his head? Or his throat?" Void Sarah questions looking at her hands which were stopping the bleeding and are now covered in blood, turning to face Scott and Stiles with a fake tear rolling down her face.

"But it wasn't- And he's going to be all right." Scott reassures.

"I think I just hear an ambulance coming." Aiden reveals and Void Sarah makes the terrible connection.

"And my dad." Void Sarah says with a dreaded tone. When Stilinski arrives, Void Sarah immediately rushes over to him and explains the situation and once they get Coach away in the ambulance, she pulls him into a hug until they interrupted, discovering that she done something at the school. they all rush down to the school and watch as Parrish goes into the school bus to try and stop the bomb only for him to reveal that it was Sheriff Stilinski's sign from his office.

"The bomb isn't here." Void Sarah mutters as if she's came to the realisation and they all rush to the Sheriff's station only to find the bomb had already went off and the officers were dead or dying on the ground. "Scott, Scott?" Void Sarah repeats, faking the horror on her face. "Can you do something? take his pain? Anything to make it easier?" Sarah questions with a tear rolling down her face and he obliges, taking the pain, not knowing he playing into Void Sarah's game.

"The Oni, they're coming." Kira reveals, crouching down next to them in the station.

"Sarah, we gotta get out of here." Scott tells her and she nods, the three of them rush out of the station whilst Stiles stays with his father, and they head into the Animal Clinic where they are met by the Oni outside. "Sarah get inside!" Scott demands and she immediately obeys, rushing inside the clinic.

"Hey Kira! Get inside!" Void Sarah shouts, shutting the door behind her but Kira stays outside and helps Scott defeat the Oni, Void Sarah rushes back outside to help the pair of them into the clinic after Scott got stabbed and they go to take the sword out of his stomach but Void Sarah stops Kira from proceeding by easily overpowering her and hitting her head off the side of the examining table to render her unconscious. With a possessed look on her face, she grabs the sword handle inside Scotts stomach them places one of her hands onto his shoulder before turning it around in his chest

"You should have done your reading, Scott. See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from coach, and then from a dying deputy." Void Sarah says with a fake look of sadness on her face. "All that pain, you took it all. Now, give it to me." Void Sarah demands, absorbing all of the pain that Scott had taken in. "You really have to learn, Scott. You really have to learn not to trust a fox. Know why? Cause they're tricksters. They'll fool you. They'll fool everyone." Void Sarah tells him with a small chuckle.

"Not everyone." Deaton voice says from behind her and he places a needle into her neck, causing her to fall to the ground unconscious. 

"What was that? Was that a cure? Is she okay?" Scott questions in concern after Deaton pulls out the blade.

"The fox is poisoned, but it's not dead. Not yet." Deaton tells him with a sad look on his face.

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