Chapter 16

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Season 2 Episode 8

"What the hell is this?" Stilinski asks his daughter and son.

"It's a turkey burger." Stiles replies.

"I asked for a hamburger." Stilinski sighs.

"Turkey's healthier." Stiles tells him and Stilinski gives Sarah a look.

"I told him to get a hamburger. Don't look at me." Sarah protests.

"What are you trying to ruin my life?" Stilinski asks his son.

"I'm trying to extend your life. Now eat it and tell us what you found." Stiles changes the subject.

"I'm not sharing confidential police work with a teenager." Stilinski protests.

"Is it on the board behind you?" Sarah asks, leaning forward to see the board more clearly.

"Don't look at that. Avert your eyes." Stilisnki stands up, trying to block their view.

"What are those arrows pointing to the pictures?" Stiles questions.

"All right. Okay. I found one thing. Will you stop if i tell you?" Stiles and Sarah nod. "The mechanic and the couple who were murdered all had something in common."

"All three?" Sarah frowns.

"All three. And you know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's a coincidence-" Stilinski gets cut off.

"Three's a pattern." The stilinski twins say in unison.

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife. All the same age. All 24." Stilinski tells them.

"But what about Mr Lahey? Isaac's dad wasn't anywhere near 24." Stiles says after thinking about it.

"He had an older brother." Sarah informs them. "Camden."

"Died in combat, if he was still alive today he would be 24." Stilinski tells them.

"What if the same age means the same class? Did you think of that?" Stiles asks his dad.

"Well, I would have. Lahey's file came to me only two hours ago." Stilinski replies.

"Two hours? Someone could be dying." Stiles says in disbelief.

"I'm aware of that thank you!" Stilinski shouts and grabs the year books.

"So what if they knew each other? Two of them got married. Maybe they all hung out." Stiles suggests. Stilinskis doesn't answer as he looks at one of the transcript pages. "What?"

"Same teacher." Stilinski shows the twins.

"All of them were in his class?" Stiles asks.

"All 4, i'm not sure how lahey fits in, but this is definitely a pattern." Stilinski replies, showing them the name Mr Adrian Harris. "Grab the one for 2006. These names. We need faces for them."

"Which ones?" Stiles asks.

"All of the names in the chemistry class. If the killer isn't done killing.." Stilisnki trails off.

"One of them is next." Sarah realises. "But this doesn't make sense..."

"What doesn't make sense?" Stilinski frowns.

"Lahey." She tells them. "Isaac said that before his father owned the graveyard, his dad was a swim coach. So what if they were all in the swim team of that year."

"I'll have to find out who was in the swim team, but that's a good theory." Her dad tells her and she nods, when her phone starts to ring.

"Do you think you can get to the clinic? Just you?" Scott asks when she picks up the phone.

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