Chapter 56

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Screams echoed along the hallways. The hospital hadn't heard this much screaming in years, regardless of how many attacks or illnesses there were. It was the loudest they'd ever heard. In the middle of it all, Sarah Stilinski.

"Sarah, it's going to be okay." Mutters the innocent words of Melissa McCall, but Sarah wasn't too happy with this response. She sent the nurse a glare as her eyes flashed blue.

"I can tell you one thing. If Derek doesn't get his ass down here in 2 seconds, nothing is going to be okay." She responds, an angry look on her face as she feels another flash of pain causing another scream to leave her mouth.

Melissa was struggling with what to do at this moment. Derek wasn't answering the phone, Stiles was away doing god knows what and her father was on a case. "Who do you want me to call?"

"I want you to call the asshole who's not picking up," Sarah grunts as the nurses flock around her, getting her ready for what was going to happen. "I'm not ready." She cries as she realises what's going to happen next.

"Yes, you are. I've called Peter, he's trying Derek and on his way." Melissa says reassuringly as she grasps her hand in a comforting manner. "You need to do this."

"Not without him, not without Derek." Sarah cries, hearing her heart rate on the monitor as it becomes more stressed.

"I'm sorry, Miss Stilinski, but you need to push." The doctor interrupts, causing her eyes to snap over to him.

"The father, he's not here yet. Where the hell is he!" She screams, the contractions becoming too much. She knows she has to push but she can't do it, not without him.

"He's an idiot who went out of town to buy a gift," Peter states, waltzing into the room as he looks at the woman he considers family.

"What do you mean he's out of town?" Sarah glares at him, her emotions going haywire as she looks at the former alpha. "I am 39 weeks pregnant and he decides it's time to go shopping?"

"In all fairness, it's a great gift." Peter defends, coming to Sarah's other side and taking her hand in his, absorbing the pain and allowing her to think more level-headed.

"I can't do this without him." She whimpers, feeling the need to push.

"He's with Stiles, he'll be back as soon as he can," Peter reassures, watching as his veins continue to turn black. "I know we're not him but we can be with you while you do this."

"Not without him." Sarah protests.

"I'm sorry but you don't need him for this. You can do well enough on your own. You're Sarah Stilinski for god sake. You've survived a lot in these past 6 years, you can get through labour." Melissa lectures, grabbing her hand tighter. "Now push!" Sarah lets out a scream as she begins to push. She did not think Labour was going to be this painful, especially when she was a werewolf. Even with Peter taking her pain, she didn't think it could be this bad. After an agonisingly long 2 hours, Sarah successfully delivered her baby.

"And here is your new baby boy!" The nurse exclaims, handing the child back to the mother, who cries joyfully. Her father is now in the waiting room with the pack as they wait to be let in. Still no sign of Derek or Stiles.

"I think Peter is a great name," Peter suggests, looking at his great-nephew with a smirk.

"Not in your wildest dreams." Sarah retorts, staring at her son in awe. "Derek and I agreed. Elijah if it was a boy or Talia if it was a girl."

"Elijah, huh? And how does Derek feel about his son being named after a tv show character?" Melissa questions with a knowing look.

"He declined Nick so we compromised with Elijah, Eli for short," Sarah responded, looking down at her child fondly. She's startled by a scream of her name.

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