Chapter 21

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Season 3 Episode 1

"It's not a triple date. It's just a group thing." Lydia protests. It Was the night before the first day of school and she was dragging Allison and Sarah on a date with three random guys. Allison spent the summer in France, Lydia spent the summer with her dad and Sarah spent the summer helping Derek, Isaac and Peter find Erica and Boyd, not that she told any of the pack. Deaton helped Sarah. A lot. He taught her about the different types of supernatural creatures and how to help them the same way he does.

"Do they know it's a group thing? Because i told you i'm not ready to get back out there." Allison replies.

"Well, that applies to you, I need a distraction." Sarah scoffs, wanting to get a certain alpha out of her head.

"You were in France and you didn't do any dating? For four months?" Lydia questions in disbelief. "And Sarah, you spent most of your summer with Derek, Peter and Isaac. I'm disappointed if you didn't sleep with one of them."

"That's just gross, they're my friends. Well, except Peter, he's just someone I tolerate." Sarah says, disgusted.

"Did you?" Allison questions back. "I mean after-"

"Do not mention his name." Lydia tells Allison. That's right, Jackson was forced to go to London after his presumed death.

"Is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?" Allison asks.

"The doctors looked like idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the Werewolf 101. Like how not to randomly kill people during the full moon." Lydia explains.

"So you've talked to him?" Sarah asks.

"Not since he left for london." Lydia sighs.

"You mean since his dad moved him to london." Allison corrects.

"Whatever." Lydia dismisses. "He left. And seriously? An american werewolf in london? Like that's not going to be a disaster."

"Then you're totally over him?" Allison asks in disbelief.

"Would I be going on a triple date if I wasn't." She scoffs, not thinking over her words, then she notices Allisons satisfied smirk. "Okay, it's a triple date. Not an orgy. You'll live." Lydia sighs, pulling up to the red light, a familiar Blue Jeep pulling next to them.

"Don't look out the window." Sarah informs them and they both instantly look out the window. "I said don't look."

"Oh my god, oh my god, i can't see him. Not yet." Allison protests, sinking into her seat, trying to disappear from view. "Lydia, go- please, go, please." Lydia sighs and floors it, leaving Scott and Stiles looking at an empty lane.

"You all right?" Lydia asks Allison, taking her eyes off the road for a quick second. They see the jeep slam to a halt behind them and Allison sighs.

"Lydia, stop. I need to go back. I need to talk to him." Allison tells her and Lydia slows her car, so there are two cars not moving in the road.

"They stopped too." Sarah laughs, spinning around on their seats, looking at the parked jeep. Neither of them noticed the deer charging into their car until it was too late.

"Should we back up and-" Allison starts, getting cut off by a dear charging into the front of the car. They let out a shriek and Sarah rushes out of the car to see what it was. Scott and Stiles race over, helping Lydia and Allison out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks, glancing at the tree girls.

"It came out of nowhere-" Lydia starts.

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