Chapter 5

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Season 1 Episode 5

Sarah was currently sitting in the back of Lydia's car debating what movie they should watch at Jacksons' house. That's right, she was forced to third-wheel a date.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever made, it's the best sports movie--" Jackson tries to explain to them, but they were persistent.

"No." Lydia and Sarah reply.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper--" Jackson starts again, but gets cut off by them.

"No." They protest.

"I swear to god you'll like it." Jackson fails to persuade.

"No." They answer.

"I'm not watching the notebook again." Jackson sighs and a second later, he and Sarah were walking into the video store. "Can somebody help me find the notebook?"

"Cheer up Jackson." Sarah jokes, a smile beaming on her face.

"Hello? Is anybody working here? Anybody at all?" He shouts, the only reply being a flickering light.

"I'll make sure to write 365 letters of complaint." Sarah smirks, knowing that it's a key part of the movie, only to receive a glare. They walk down the aisle together when they see two shoes on the floor, with the toe pointed upward. Slowly, they approach the shoes only to see legs attached to them, when they walk closer they see a mutilated body, blood everywhere. A spark flies from the light and the video store envelopes into darkness. They watch as something large blocks the entrance with glowing red eyes. Sarah easily makes the connection that it's the alpha, but Jackosn drags her down one of the isles. The shelves start to tip like dominoes and Sarah jumps out, not getting trapped. Unfortunately, Jackson wasn't that lucky and he got stuck. Sarah pulled the knife from her boot and threw it at the alpha, embedding it into his chest. He simply pulls it out and drops it on the ground, walking closer to Sarah who stood still. He picked her up by the neck and looked at her curiously, then threw her into the furthest wall, rendering her unconscious and he jumped out of the store, causing Lydia to scream and call the police. When Sarah wakes up, she slowly stands from the ground and walks over to Jackson, helping him out of the shelves.

"You okay?" She asks Jackson.

"Yeah.." He sighs and looks at his best friend, looking for any injuries. Then the ambulance and the police came, helping them out of the store and towards the EMTs. Sarah gave a statement that it was a 'mountain lion' and then she got treated by the EMT.

"Sarah!" Stilinski shouts and rushes over to the ambulance she's sitting in. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Dad, I'm fine." She tells him with a convincing smile and he pulls her into a hug, causing her to wince. "Can I just go home?"

"You need to go to the hospital, you could have a concussion." The EMT replies.

"I'm fine, I just want to go home." She sighs.

"Fine, get Stiles to take you." Stilinski sighs and he leads her towards Stiles.

"Sarah." He gasps and pulls her into a hug. "Thank god you're okay."

"Can you take your sister home? She's had a long night." Stilisnki asks Stiles, who nods and drives her home, they sit in silence although Sarah knows her brother is seconds away from asking loads of questions.

"It was the alpha." She speaks up. "I don't know why or what he wanted, but he was angry." Stiles, for once in his life, was speechless so he simply nodded and pulled into the driveway of their house. They get out of the car without another word and Sarah goes into her bathroom to wash away the troubles of that night, only to notice a large bruise forming on her back. She quickly gets in the shower, cleaning all of the dirt and dried blood off her, then she walks into her room to get changed into her PJs and she jumps into bed, sleeping away her problems. When she wakes up the next morning, she turns off her alarm and reluctantly gets out of bed. She pulls out her fit for the day, Black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket, and starts to get dressed. She pulled on her bra and jeans when a voice clearing behind her made her turn around.

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