Mmm, Don't Stop

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A change of pace feels nice, even though it's just the fact that I'm at Bucky's house today instead of him being at mine. Also, it was nice to see Rebecca... she loves me to death.

"So," I started, sitting in my usual seat at the empty dining room table with Bucky and Rebecca and Mr. Barnes. "What's everyone doing today?"

"Well, seeing as I just got off work, I'll be heading to the store in a few minutes," Mr. Barnes answered. "You boys have anything planned?

I looked over at him and he shook his head. "I don't think so," I told him.

"Alright, well, you can just relax here and figure something out while I'm gone," he suggested. "I shouldn't be longer than an hour."

"Do I get to join, daddy?" Rebecca asked, looking up at him with child-like wonderment.

He smiled. "Of course you can, sugarplum."

"Yay!" she smiled back.

"Okay," he stood. "Come on, Rebecca, let's get going," he extended his hand out to her.

She took it. "Bye Jimmy! Bye Stevie!"

"Bye Becca!" he called to her as they reached the door.

"See you later!" I waved as the door shut.

"Now what?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Good question. We got an hour to kill, maximum."


I said nothing. I wanted to, but, we were nearly running out of excuses to make all of this okay.

"No?" he continued.

"Uh, well, yea," I agreed. "For sure, but, where? We're surrounded by windows."

"My room's got blinds and curtains, you know," he reminded me.

I stood up. "Onward."

Once we made it, he locked the door behind us. "Just in case they come back and we don't hear them," he justified.

"What's the lesson today, then?" I wondered.

"Uh... you know," he approached me, immediately placing his hands low on my lower back and slowly getting lower. "Taking it a step further."

Before I had a chance to ask him what the hell he was talking about, he had already started kissing me and kissing me and making me never want to stop.

I don't know how this progressed so quickly, but it was almost as if it didn't matter when or where I saw him anymore, I just always wanted to kiss him. I wanted his hands on my body and his chest on mine.

He grabbed a handful of whatever he could, this time my ass, and squeezed, pulling me close to him. I wanted to be closer, so I pushed against him harder.

"Mmm," he hummed into my mouth at the unexpected initiative.

He walked me backwards, the backs of my legs suddenly hitting his bed. I started running my fingers through his hair and pulling at him that he grabbed under my legs and picked me up, placing me onto the edge of the bed and allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist.

He pulled me into him repeatedly, sending a repeated, unknown sensation across my body. A sensation, nonetheless, that I never wanted to end.

I wanted more and I didn't know how to ask. I didn't want to ask, even, so I started to lean back and I pulled him on top of me.

His breathing sounded... off. It was heavier and sporadic and like music to my ears, that's how close it was to sounding like a moan, which I hadn't been aware I was longing to hear.

I felt his lips part from mine as his lower body started practically thrusting against me, making me get to the point that I was so hard, it hurt... but I still grinned back against him because it felt so damn good.

"Mmm," he stopped me. "Ste- Steve."

"Mhmm?" I mumbled, thinking that my voice would give away everything if I tried to use it now to say anything.

"I- I don't know, uh..." he paused. "Uhm-"

"What's wrong?" I questioned. "Something seems... off, with you today."

I noticed him look at how we were positioned. He looked like he felt the same was as I did: vulnerable.

"Don't- dear god, please don't be mad," he said.

"Mad at what?"

"You- you just have to promise me," he stated. "If I tell you, you can't... you can't stop being my friend. You can't freak out- just, please don't be mad at me."

"Okay, okay, I promise," I answered. "I promise."

"I... I like this," he whispered. "All of it."

"You mean-"


I waited. "What about Dolores?"

"I already broke it off with her," he told me. "A while ago, actually. I thought you knew, you know, because she wasn't around anymore."

"I didn't wanna assume-"

"No, I get that," he interrupted. "But this... this is why I broke up with her."

"This?" I wondered. "Us?"

"Because of you," he went on. "Because I like this and I like kissing you and, for some reason, I get this feeling that it's not just the idea of you, Steve, it's actually you that I like."

"Well, I'm not angry, for starters."

"Thank God," he smirked.

"Also," I went on, grabbing his face in my hand. "I feel the same."

"You do?"

"Yea," I assured him. "I don't know what it is yet, and I really can't pinpoint it in any way at all, but all I know is that... once we start, I never want it to stop."

"Then don't stop," he mumbled against my lips before kissing them. "Mmm, don't stop," he smirked against my lips and kissed them again, biting down on my nether lip.

"James? Steven? Where are you two?" Mr. Barnes called a few rooms away.

"Ugh," he grumbled, pulling away from my face. "We're in my room, we'll right there."

"Alright," he called back.

"Guess we have to stop, huh?" I joked.

"Yea, well, there's always tomorrow."

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