It's Only 3 O'Clock, Buck

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Another day passed without a sign of Dolores- well, at least not here. For all I know, he's probably seeing her at his place so as to avoid my remarks about her annoyingness.

Honestly, thank god. I can't stand her, and I still don't entirely know why.

"Has your mom been home?" he asked casually.

"Uh, I haven't seen her, why?"

"Dunno, I just haven't seen her either," he went on. "As a matter of fact, I was here yesterday and I didn't see her then, too, you know?"

"Well, I'm sure she was here last night," I filled in there gaps. "I don't know for sure, but it's not like her to take a double shift without coming back in between to shower or something while I'm asleep."

"Oh, okay," he said, smiling. "So, if she's not home, shall we begin lesson three?"

"Sure," I prompted him to start.

"Hints," he started. "That's the lesson for today. All things about what people do if they wanna kiss you or something more- or nothing at all."

"I thought we did this last time," I pointed out. "What's different?"

"I'm glad you asked, Steve," he smirked. "You see, this time, we're talking more about looks and less about touches."

"Got it."

"So there's a look for everything... and when I say everything, I really mean everything," he continued. "For example..."

He smiled and looked me in my eyes, slowly letting his teeth hide away behind his lips as they closed into a smirk. His eyes flickered down to my mouth and back up to my eyes almost unrecognizably. I noticed the smile was entirely gone and his eyes were piercing through mine just like that.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Uh... what's that mean?"

He scooted over to sit next to me and continued to look at me all the same. "What do you think it means?"

I looked at him and waited to see if he'd give me anymore clues. I caught myself looking down at his lips too, just as he continued to do to me- I just wondered if his was for real or not.

"Uhmmm... that you wanna kiss me?" I guessed.

He licked his lips and looked down at mine once more before pulling back and reverting back to his usual face. "Exactly."

"And, so, are there other looks that mean the same thing?"

"Meh, sort of, but they're just derivatives of that one I just showed you, so you should be able to figure it out," he detailed. "Though, there are some other ones that are similar but mean something far different, yet still related in some sense."

"Just- show me and explain it after, you're being confusing," I laughed.

"Okay, okay. Here's the next one..."

He looked at me and smiled and just smiled. He looked all across my face and then backed away.

"So?" I asked.

"That's just being friendly," he replied. "A lot of people mix up being friendly with wanting something more, you know?"

I waited. "I guess so, yea."

"And, another one..."

He looked down and tilted his head away from me. In an instant, he looked over at me from under his eyelashes just the slightest bit and let his lips part. He licked them- then he bit down on his lower lip and looked at my mouth, starting to smirk. He gave me a once-over and let out some air and meeting my eyes once again, flicking his head in another direction and smiling ever so slightly.

"And what's that one?" I wondered.

"That- well, that's someone who wants to have sex with you... bad."

"Christ, okay," I answered.

"I want you to imitate them now," he requested.

"And what if I look absolutely ridiculous like I know I will?"

"You won't," he assured me. "And, if you do, that's why we're practicing."

I nodded and tried to focus on the last one he'd done. I looked away and then back up at him with an incessant want lingering in my eyes. I remained locked on his eyes while I licked my lips, waiting to get a reaction. His smile fell and I couldn't be sure if he was truly acting or actually reacting. I smirked and let out a small snicker as I bit my nether lip, looking over at his mouth for a second before going back up to his eyes. I caught him lingering everywhere... so I gave him a once-over, too, before motioning our us to get outta here.

"How'd I do?" I questioned.

"Uh, I- er, you did great," he stumbled. "Real, uh... really good job, actually, Steve."


"Surprisingly, yea," he seemingly zoned back in on the actual reason we were there. "But, I think I... uh, I think I should head home. It's getting late."

"It's only 3 o'clock, Buck," I reminded him. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, yea, Steve- don't worry, I'm good," he made sure. "Seriously, I'm good, er- just, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, bye," I waved as he stood and quickly made his leave without another word, nevermind a rhyme nor a reason.

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