2 Out Of 5 Stars

27 13 2

I fall on my chest to the ground, spitting blood out of my mouth. My cheek bone feeling as if it's been shattered to pieces, making it painful to sport a look of anger. My ribcage is screaming to give up while my brain is screaming to fight back, a dark chuckle reminds me of why exactly I'm in this horrid situation.

"Give me what's mine." My eyes tried to roll themselves but my left eyelid was swollen so much it hurt to even look up around me.

"I told you, I don't have it." I grit out, spewing out more blood and slowly trying to stand up but my limbs gave out under me. I feel a large gloved hand grab the back of my neck and lift me backwards towards the owner of it.

"You have one more chance, where IS IT???" I flinch when the voice raises right at my eardrum, I feel my throat get tight at the pressure the hand applies to it. My hands grab at it, trying to pry the fingers away one by one, I was sure there would be a bruise later but compared to my other injuries this one wouldn't be on the top ten list.

"I-I don't know." I blink...just blink, that's all it took for me to be on the ground covered in blood one second, and thrown against a dirty hard brick wall the next. The impact knocked the breath from my lungs, more blood erupting from my mouth as a result of the stab wound in my back right where my liver was.

After I collapse to the ground, trying to breathe in through the pain, I watch as the voice rushes to me. The hand grabs my throat and places me against the wall, slamming harder than needed but I didn't let out any snide comments. The hard fist slams against my face, making it crack to the side,

"You still hit like a child." I laugh out, no trace of actual humor in it. But, it was better than anything at this point.

"You still act like a child." My mouth pulls into a bloody smile. "Well, I mean at least I'm not a bitter ancient thing that has to meddle with others life because theirs is so boring."

"You are the most aggravating runt I've ever toyed with."



"I'm honored." My hand touches my heart in gratitude, I hear a growl before me, only igniting my snarky comments even more.

The hands tighten around my neck, cutting off my airflow, "Yah know when people say lets have have a nice civilized conversation I don't think they quite mean this way."

"Ah but no one ever says what they actually want, do they?" The voice offered as I stared into the darkness of the voice's hood, not even as much as a glimpse of the skin underneath it.

"Perhaps." I said, sarcasm dripping off of it like a melting ice cream cone.

"So, how do yah rate this conversation?"

"Um a-about a 2 out of 5 stars, egh even though I'm seeing about ten right now."

"How unfortunate."

"Yeah so can you put me down?"

"No, I still haven't gotten what's mine." I feel his grip tighten even further around my throat.

"P-please." My vision started going black, my head feeling like it was going to explode on top of everything else. I could sense myself get desperate as I started to slip away, talking sent tears to my eyes while my hearing was just a high pitched noise. The voice didn't say anything in reply, or maybe I just couldn't hear it.

My nails dug at the skin of the voice's hand, trying to pry the fingers from around my throat. But along with everything else, my strength flew right out the window...even my dignity and sarcasm.

Everything came in a rush to me, the fact that I would die in this old dark deserted alleyway and no one would even know what or where it happened. The memories, the moments, the people I cherished, it all hit me like a bus going at 70 mph.

My dad's smile, my mother's tears, Gray's idiotic comments, our stupid adventures, my dreams, Mr. Craig telling me everything would be okay after my dad passed away, the views from the roof, even the moments listening to my favorite songs with my headphones. All the memories from when I was running around screaming in diapers, to when I was training and getting drunk with Vali.

It all made me mentally chuckle, but sadness also overtook me when I realized how good life can be. How amazing the span of custom years you have can be, I might not have been the most comfortable and in a bunch of pain, but at least I remembered what I got to experience in these past 17 years.

Don't give up Leaigh.

My heart screamed that over and over, but my head was in such a deep haze that I barely recognized what it was saying. I wasn't sure if I was dead at this point, it felt like hours had passed since my eyes closed from lack of oxygen.

An image popped in my head, well more like an outplay of what supposedly happened after I blacked out Friday night. I imagined Vali holding back my hair while I threw up and then him after, then them putting me to bed, shortly followed by Vali falling down the stairs.

I couldn't even imagine Vali falling, let alone thinking it was possible for the giant to fall.



I forced myself out of the haze and opened my eyes as far as they would go, my mouth slowly spreading apart. Fail after fail of attempts to talk made me lose even more hope, which basically wasn't even there.

Please Leaigh.

I forced my mouth open again and let my voice force itself against the tightness withholding it.

Little sounds came out, I still pushed myself to get the name out.

Come on Leaigh, Say it.


Hidden In The Dark (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now