You Head Of Lettuce

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I lay wake that night, my thoughts running around in circles while I tried to piece together what happened today. My body felt heavier as it pressed against the bed, I hadn't even bothered to pull back the covers and get under.

Everything seemed to bother me at the moment: from the temperature in the room, and the slight pain in my stomach, to the burning sensation in my eyes from not closing them for a while.

Even what is normally my cloud of a bed, felt hard and uncomfortable, or perhaps it was just too comfortable. My eyes remained glued to the white ceiling above me, the shadows of the blinds blocking part of the moonlight sat in a winding motion over the contrasted white.

At one moment I was too hot but the next I was too cold. Not even music could make me feel better right now, the constant feeling telling me to stay awake overpowered everything.

The deafening silence allowed me to hear the change in my breathing patterns. On any other day I would've had to hold my breath to hear my heart beat but at this time I could hear it loud and clear, like it was right next to my ear.

The shadow of the blinds shifted, making me eyes shift to the window. I rolled off the bed and landed on my feet at the last second before treading lightly to the window.

Oh great I'm basically the stupid white girl in like every horror movie. Ever.

The backyard looked more dark and dangerous at this hour, every little thing creating a creepy shadow. My eyes switched back and forth between different places while I held my breath.

When I turned around a figure sat in the chair in the corner of my room, their long legs spread while black jeans covered them. The black jean jacket sat atop a black shirt, my eyes slowly scanned the figure until they were met with a familiar pair of striking gray eyes.

I had somehow picked up the wooden bat from beside my bedside table and now held it in my hands. I walked over in front of him and held the bat out to his face, which stayed blank through the whole thing.

His head which was still turned towards the window, slowly turned to me. His thumb and index finger rubbed together as he watched me.

"Why are you in my room?" I ask, the bat still in his face but his eyes remained on me.

"What did you see?" His voice rumbles out, not even bothering to answer my question.

"Heh what?" I ask innocently, the seriousness in his voice lets me know I'm walking on thin ice. He puts his arm down and swiftly stands, my bat follows him until its front end reaches way above my head. I'm a good 5'8 but I swear the giant makes me feel like I'm 5'2 and 5'3 on a good day.

"What did you see in your dream?" He asks more specifically this time.

Ah so it was a dream then. That explains a lot. I guess.

"And why would I tell you this?"

"Answer the question." He had no flavor in his voice, not gentle or harsh, not deep or low, not sarcastic or evil, just....blank.

"I-I was in the hospital...hurt...and alone." The words were a reminiscent of the odd dream I had. The tears pouring down my face while confusion flowed through me like fatal poison.

I watch Vali's eyes dilate for a second and then return to normal. Before my brain can even form a word Vali rips the bat from my grasp and points it at my throat.

"Tomorrow we get started on your training, you have poor reaction timing."

I scoff at his words and let both of my hands push the end of the bat to the side, away from my throat, "I so hope you know I have great reaction timing, I just let you do that."

I don't even get to bask in my glory before I feel a foot pull the back of my right knee forward and a hand push my left shoulder back, making me fall backwards onto the bed. The flat rounded end of the bat is placed an inch away from the end of my nose.

"Hey no need to get violent you head of lettuce."

"Get some rest, we start early tomorrow."

"Hah sorry no I have things to do, thanks for the offer though." Is this dude on shrooms or something...maybe he just doesn't understand the fact that I'm HUMAN.

"It wasn't a question, much less an offer." His voice can get a bit scary when it wants to I'll admit that...just not out loud.

"And so I'm just supposed to go with you....a complete stranger?"

His eyes go hard so I just leave the situation alone, he removes the bat from in front of my face so I can sit up on the bed. Vali looks over to the window before looking back to me, I raise an eyebrow at his actions and stand up.

"Well as much as I enjoyed your company," I walk over to my bedroom door and open it so he can leave.

"Skedaddle because I'm actually kind of tired now." I look back and see an empty room, the blinds on my windows softly sway as if they were forced to the side and then let go.

"Well I guess not then, yah know because you obviously can't act like a normal person." I roll my eyes and collapse on my bed.

Gramps is so draining...and extra. Yeah definitely extra. I'll add that to the list of words I use to describe him.

The smile that makes its way onto my face as I turn over and look at the ceiling again disappears as soon as it came. Wait training....tomorrow....EARLY, oh kill me now I have a feeling this isn't going to be good for me AT ALL.

I look over at my phone and see it's not on the charger like it's supposed to be, knowing that I can't sleep if I don't plug it up I slap myself on the forehead.

But what I didn't realize was that I did in fact plug up my phone, but somehow it got unplugged.....

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