See You Later Loser

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"Are you crazy?" I whisper yell at Gray, who now stood behind our principal's desk, currently typing on her computer not even worried about being caught.

"We've been best friends for years and you're still asking me that question? Seems I'm not the only one with messed up morals." My eyes shoot up in surprise for a second until I shake my head.

"Seriously Gray this is stupid, it's one grade." He continues to type on the keyboard, his tongue tracing his lips in concentration. My eyes continue to flicker to the office door, prepared to book it if Principal Lenny comes in and catches us in the act.

"Yeah well you and I both know that it only takes one grade to get kicked off the soccer team so if we have to break into the principal's office then oh well, my dad would kill me if he found out about any of this." Well I man he has a point, but if we get caught then he'll still be kicked off.

"How much longer?" I started to get anxious, my foot tapping hastily on the floor beneath me.

"Done." He yanks his bag from the floor and throws it over his shoulder, he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the office behind him. We make it not even 3 feet before Gray accidentally knocks over one of the floor plants which I catch in just the nick of time before it hits the ground.

Oh thank God I was blessed with great reflexes...

"Teresa reschedule my meeting at 12 for 1, I have somethings to take care of." The sound of Principal Lenny's voice makes my blood run cold. I turn to Gray, throwing a glare at him that should make him pee his pants, but alas all he does is plaster a sheepish grin on his perfectly-punchable face.

We tuck ourselves into the little storage closet right when Mrs. Teresa replies with a yes ma'am. I lean against one of the shelves that I think holds the packs of staples and paperclips, which it could be anything because I can't see jack squat in the extremely dark closet.

Gray sounds like he's choking back a laugh when I send him a hard look, which is no use since he can see it but he can probably feel my gaze eating at his soul. The only source of light we have is the 2 inch gap between the bottom of the door and the floor, which allows a little light to seep in.

I take out my phone and use the brightness on my phone screen to illuminate my face enough for him to see. I take my thumb and drag it across my neck slowly to let him know that I was going to get him once we were out of here.

The click-clack of heels brings my attention back to the problem at hand, I look down to see a shadow pass by the door and hold my breath until I can't hear the heels anymore.

Gray cracks the door open and makes sure the coast is clear before turning to me and nodding his head. I walk out of the closet after him and we duck until the assistant principal is turned around long enough so we can walk out.

As soon as we make it a safe distance away I wind my hand back and smack the thoughts out of Gray's head. "Oww what was that for?" He whines out, making me want to hit him again.

"Everything dipwad."

The sound of the second bell lets me know there is only 5 minutes left until lunch break is over. "You better be glad I love you and hate the school lunches." I grumble out, knowing that I won't have a break until later.

"See you later loser." Gray grins out as I turn left to go to class while Gray stays straight, knowing he's watching I give him the finger while walking away, all I hear is a laugh that sounds like a broken wood chipper.

I'm one of the first students in the class, Phea being the true first like always. She's dedicated I'll give her that. I look towards the board at the front and see it has been completely wiped clean, all the evidence of our past studies gone with one wipe.

I also take notice that the main lights of the room have been turned off and replaced by a small lamp in each corner. I take off my sunglasses since I won't need them and slide them into the front pocket of my back pack.

I look back to see that Phea has her note book and pens perfectly placed on her desk, ready and patiently waiting for class to start. I give her a confused look but she just shrugs her shoulders before I slide in the desk beside her and sit by bag on the ground by my feet.

We sit and watch as the other students file in with noise and take their seats around me, not even fazed by the change in scenery.

An unfamiliar man walks in and sits a black suit coat on the back of the chair and then looks at us. "Good morning students I'm Mr. Lakis, I will be your new World History teacher."

His deep voice vibrates through the room while he leans on the front of his desk with his hand clasped together in front and his legs crossed. The only people concerned by the new teacher is the girls, mainly because they are probably swooning over him.

He looks to be about 23 but with his 6'3 and athletic figure he could pass as 25 if he told everyone that, good thing I'm good at guessing ages as well. He wears a black button up shirt that is tucked into black dress pants along with matching dress shoes, his hair is jelled into a medium length quiff.

Mr. L's gaze flows around the classroom landing on everyone for less than a second, until they land on me. I see something in them familiar but they leave mine before I can conclude what it actually is.

I have a feeling this next hour will be extremely strange.

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