The New Kid

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When Willow got home that day, she went up to her room and unpacked her things. 'I have to study since I didn't get all my work done. Ugh.' She thought as she turned on her phone and scrolled through it. She got a text message from her friend, Avery, during school.

She opened the message:
Avery- Sorry I wasn't at school today, I had a doctor's appointment

Willow- That's totally fine! I got a detention today and tomorrow, ugh 🙄
Avery- Let me guess, Mr. Maver's class?

Willow- Yep

Avery- Thought so haha

Willow- Yeah. Well, I have to study now, ttyl!

Avery- Okay ttyl!
Willow turned on some quiet music and opened her school computer. She heard her mom walk in the front door. She gets off of work after Willow gets out of school. But since Willow got detention, she guessed that her mom had extra hours in order to still get home after her. Her mom opened the door. "Willow, tell me why the school called me saying that you sweared at the teacher??" Her mom asked angrily. "Mom, chill, I just got mad, jeez." Willow didn't really like her mom that much at all. Her mom was silent with a look of rage on her face. Then she said, "You should be medicated and locked up for your rage, Willow!" Willow's heart sank a little. Yeah, she was used to this, but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt her feelings any more. Her mom stormed out of Willow's room as Willow continued to study.
Later that night, Willow looked at the online discussion board for her math class. There was going to be a new student, and he was in most of her classes. 'Just what I needed, another loser in my life.' she thought to herself.
The next day, Willow got ready for school. On the way to her bus stop, she noticed a stray cat coming her way. "Well aren't you sweet!" She said as she pet the cat. She planned to see if it was still here after school. If it was, then she would secretly keep it as a pet. The bus rolled to her stop and she got on, doing a slight wave to the cat sitting at her bus stop. She took a seat in the back, where she always sat, and looked out the window.
That day in her reading class, the new kid walked in quietly and took a seat. The teacher told the class about it at the beginning of class, so everyone knew that he would join halfway through class. His name was Max.


Nothing was abnormal about him, just a regular guy. So Willow just kept focusing in class, paying little attention to him. 'Why is this class so boringgggg!?' Willow thought to herself. She hated school altogether.
Now it was lunch time, and she had two more classes after it. This was practically her free time to draw. She wasn't the best drawer, but she's pretty good at it. Willow doesn't draw for anyone, though, because no body cared about her drawings. She basically only drew them for her. Willow heard commotion on the other side of the cafeteria. She looked up and saw two people fist fighting. Willow sighed, this was normal to her in her school. "Great, more people in detention with me." She mumbled to herself. She liked being alone or at least close to alone whenever she has detention. It helps her focus more. She felt a sensation that someone was watching her, and she looked up and to the right. She saw a glimpse of Max swiftly turn the corner when she looked. She rolled her eyes. 'What a weirdo.' Willow thought.
That afternoon in her last class, Max flipped a desk for no reason. The crash was so loud. 'Jesus Christ! What is wrong with him?!' Willow thought to herself. "That's a detention for today, Max!" The teacher yelled out to him. Great, this is just what Willow needed.
Uhm so yeah this is basically the story so far! Bye!

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