Bad Grades

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Willow sat at her desk while staring out the window. She was in math class, the most boring class ever.

She always hated Math, because 1. She was never good at it and 2. Because of the teacher, Mr. Maver. He was the strictest teacher at her highschool. She sighed as her focus gained back on the board. "Willow!" Mr. Maver called out, "You seemed like you were paying attention! What's the answer?". Willow rolled her eyes. He obviously knew that she wasn't paying attention. "7." she said blankly. The class laughed, which confused Willow. "Huh?" She said while taking a closer look at the question on the board. Her answer was way off of the question. Her face went red with embarrassment. "That's detention!" Mr. Maver said. This got Willow mad. "That's bullshit!" she hollered back. She got sent to the principal's office after that.
🖤 Principal's Office 🖤
"Willow, you have to be more focused in class. Your grades are failing quickly!" The principal said. "I know, I know.." Responded Willow.
Principal- Is everything alright at home?
Willow- Yeah, everything's fine.
Principal- Okay, I just wanted to make sure.
Willow- Why?
Principal- I wanted to know if things at home were effecting your grades.
Willow- Why do you want to know so much about my damn home life!?
Principal- That's enough, Willow! Go back to class.
Willow sat back down at her seat. 'This is idiotic. I hate this school.' She angrily thought. She noticed that her hand gripped a lot tighter around her pencil, so she calmed herself. She didn't want to rage in class.
🖤 3 Hours Later 🖤
Willow walked to her locker as she sighed and got her things together. She was about to walk out of the building until Mr. Maver stopped her. "Willow, you have detention today." Willow forgot about that. She sighed and walked with Mr. Maver back to his classroom. He sat down at his desk as Willow opened one of her books. He was filling out her detention report. Then, he got up and started to walk out of the room. "I have a meeting to attend, get all your work done by 4:30, then you can leave." He said as he left and closed the door behind him. Willow waited a few minutes after he left, then she took out her sketchbook and opened to a page that she had been working on. She started to finish drawing it as the time passed. 'It's quiet in here...a little too quiet.' she thought as she looked at the clock. It was 3:55. 'Damn, only 5 minutes passed..' she thought. Suddenly, she heard a book fall off the shelf from behind her. She flinched and looked where it fell. She went to pick it back up, just so Mr. Maver didn't think that she did it. When she bent down to pick it up, under a desk was him. Willow got startled and jumped back. "God damnit, Tony!" She said holding her heart as she put the book back on the shelf. Tony laughed as he climbed out from under the desk.
Tony- You should have seen your face!
Willow- What are you doing here?!
Tony- Oh come on, I heard that you had detention, so I didn't want you to get bored!
Willow- You should leave so that I don't get in trouble!
Tony- You're really worried about getting in trouble NOW?
Willow- Ugh, stop talking to me.
Willow walked back to her seat, but as she turned around, Mr. Maver walked in. He looked up from a stack of papers he was holding. "Well, well, look what we have here. Tony sneaking around after school hours." The room was silenced. "Detention for both of you tomorrow. Willow, finish your homework. Tony, sit by my desk and do your homework.". Willow sighed and glared at Tony with frustration. She sat back down,             and so did Tony.
Hey guys! So this is my new story! Uhm, I hope you guys will like it! Bye!

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