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"What the hell are we gonna do?! I can't go to jail, I'm too young!" Willow stood there a few seconds before shining the flashlight back on Max. He seemed unfazed. He was just standing there..almost like he knew this was going to happen..?.. "Hey! You good?" Willow said, just wanting to go back to the group. Max just stared at her, not saying anything. Finally, Willow has had enough of his "stupidy", she called it. "Ugh, fine! Stay here if you want, but IM going back to the group!"
Willow turned around and started to walk out of the room, but her hand was quickly grabbed by Max. She turned around, looking offended, and said, "The hell? Don't touch me!" She pulled her arm away and started to now speed walk out of the room. "Wait, hold on!" Willow stopped, trying to be nice and hear him out. She inhaled with anger, and exhaled with calmness-but-about-to-lose-her-temper. "What do you want?!" Willow said, turning around to face Max for hopefully the last time in that room. "You can't tell anyone about this." Willow was surprised. Why would he not want anyone to find out?! "Huh? Why?" She said in confusion. "That's not important right now, but what WE need to do is hide this scene." Max said, already started to reach down to drag the body. "Eek!!! No, we can't hide this, we need to call the police! This is awful!" Willow shouted, started to get teary-eyed. She wanted to have fun, not see a recent lifeless body laying in a pool of blood. "There's no service, remember?" Max muttered as he began to drag the body to a corner. "But, you can still call the police with no service!" She was becoming frantic. "You can still call them because it's an emergency number-" Willow got cut off by Max, beginning to sound more frustrated. "Look, will you just shut up and help me drag this damn body?" Willow felt helpless. The others were on the completely opposite side of the building, so they wouldn't hear her at all. She quickly pulled her phone out and tried calling 911. It instantly did not work. 'Shit! Since when did you need to have service to call 911?' She thought to herself.
Willow hesitantly walked to the body and grabbed one of its hands. "Ewww, ew ew ew!!" She exclaimed. Dead bodies were NOT her thing. Thoughts were racing through her head. Why is Max so unfazed? Why did he take a picture of her? What would happen to her if the police found out about this? She had no answers to complete these questions. They dragged the body to a dark corner of the room. When they were finished, Willow looked at her hands. They were semi-covered in the blood of the body. This sure was gonna be hard to explain to the others...

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