The Terrible Discovery

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Willow had no desire to explore the hospital with Max ALONE. She would be fine if Avery was there with her. Willow was still pretty sad about Avery picking Liv to team up with, but she tried not to focus on it. After everyone went on their ways, it was just Willow and Max standing there. Willow looked at Max, "Alright loser, which way do you want to go?" She said dryly. Max thought for a second, looking around. "We should go that way." He said, pointing towards this long hallway full of doors on both sides of it. Willow sighed, "Fine, let's go." She said. Willow and Max started walking down the hallway. Willow had tried all the doors in the hall to see if they would open. She jiggled the first one's handle, locked. Then another, locked. "Damn, why are all of these doors locked?" Willow mumbled under her breath. She tried the third one, and it opened. Well, it was rusted , so Willow had to push it open with force, but hey! It still opened! She walked inside the room, followed by Max walking in as well. They still had their flashlights on, so it was not that dark in there. Willow walked to this counter with a sink attached to it. She shined her flashlight on the sink, and almost threw up in her mouth. "Oh god, I think I'm gonna be sick.. " She said, covering her mouth. "Hm? " Max said as he walked to the sink, taking a look. The sink was clogged and full of blood. "I don't like this... I'm going to find the others! Let's go, loser! " Willow started walking towards the door, but tripped over something. It was not squishy, nor tough. She hesitated for a second before shining her flashlight on the floor. She let out a surprised scream. There was a dead body on the floor. It's eyes have been stomped on next to the head on the floor, and there was multiple stab wounds...

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