The Plan

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When Willow and Avery got out of the car, there was a lit up pathway going towards the party. They parked about 10-15 feet away, so it wasn't that long of a walk. They would've parked closer, but all around the party was trees. Once they made it to the party, Liv ran up to them.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so glad to see you guys here!! EEEE!" Liv jumped at Willow and Avery and hugged them tightly. "Liv- can't...breathe-!" Avery said. "Oopsies!" Liv said, giggling. She let them go and walked away saying, 'Have fun!" Willow waited till she was gone, then said, "Ugh, she is such a stupid pick-me girl!" Willow stomped her foot in frustration. Avery sighed. "Come on, Willow. We came here to have fun, not pout! Now come on, let's get this party going!!" Avery laughed and ran off, leaving Willow at the entrance. 'Hmm, I guess Avery is right. I should have some fun." Willow said as she walked into the party.
After about a half hour of people drinking and dancing and hitting on each other, Willow was actually having a good time for once in her life. She was on the ground area that got labeled as the dance floor with Avery and a bunch of other people. Soon, a bunch of different people came on the dance floor. Avery couldn't see Willow anymore, and Willow couldn't see Avery anymore either. Willow walked around the crowd to get back to Avery, but she couldn't find her on the dance floor. 'Maybe she's getting a drink?' Willow thought, walking over to the drinks table. There were only 3 people hanging out there. Willow walked up to one of them to ask if they have seen Avery. "Hey, sir..?" She tapped one of them on the shoulder. He turned around slowly. Willow took a step back, surprised. "Woww, didn't know she invited a freak like you!" Willow said. It was Max. Then, he spoke to Willow for the very first time. "You think I am a freak?" Willow was speechless for a second. This was the first time that she has ever heard his voice. Finally, after standing there like a dummy for 10 seconds, Willow answered, "Well, yeah! I do think you are a freak!" Willow was angry now. She felt like her night just got ruined because Max was here. "Listen, I know you're stalking me at school, just stay away you creep!" And with saying that, Willow stormed off. Max shrugged and turned back towards the table. Willow looked around the party and spotted Avery talking to Liv. Willow walked over to them. "Oh, hey Willow! We were just discussing a plan for tonight!" Liv said enthusiastically. Avery nodded her head in agreement. "Sounds cool, what's the plan?" Willow asked, trying to calm down before they noticed she was mad. "Well, me, Liv, and some other volunteers, are going to go into the abandoned hospital over there!" Avery said, jumping up and down. Willows jaw dropped. "WHAT?! Are you crazy? That thing has been abandoned for YEARS!" Liv laughed. " You should TOTALLY go in with us! It will be so fun! We have six flashlights prepared!" Willow shook her head, "No! No no no! I am NOT going in there!" Liv and Avery did pouty faces to Willow. "Besides, my mom will get mad that I stayed out so late!" Still pouty faces. "...ALRIGHT! Fine! I'll go. But it's on you two if I get in trouble with my mom!" Liv and Avery stopped doing pouty faces and cheered.
"Attention, attention! I have three open spaces for going into the abandoned hospital! Who wants to go?" Liv shouted to get everyone's attention. Willow watched as barely anyone's hand went up. It was just silence and looking around at each other. Finally, three people raised their hand. "It's settled! The six that are going in are... me, Willow, Avery, Tony, Maiya, anddd...." Willows heart sank when she heard the last name, "Max!!" Everyone cheered and went back to what they were doing. "Uhm, guys! That means that the party is over for the rest of you! Go home!" Liv said to the crowd of the remaining people. The group muttered complaints under their breathes as they got their stuff together and walked to their cars, leaving the party looking quite empty. Meanwhile, Willow could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She had a BAD feeling about this...

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