Partner up!

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The group reached the hospital and went to the front doors. At this point, Willow is putting her phone at every angle in order to get some service. "Shit! There's no service anywhere! I won't be able to text my mom for a while.  Liv sighed "Its okay. You can just text her later! What we need to worry about right now is how we are going to get into this building!" she exclaimed. Avery tried opening the doors. "Shit, it's locked." She said in frustration. Liv then came up with a risky idea, "Hmm, let's just break a window, nobody will be able to hear us, since we are out in the middle of the forest." Liv then picked up a big piece of concrete that fell off of the building and hit the window next to the front door. At the third hit, the glass shattered, leaving a big opening to the hospital lobby.
Liv threw the concrete piece down. "Phew! Alrighty, who's gonna go in first?" She said, pointing towards the open window. Willow looked around to see if anyone had raised their hand. No one did, so she volunteered. "Okay, um..I'll go!" She said, walking towards the window. Willow hesitated before slowly climbing in, making sure not to cut herself on the glass. Once she was in, she turned on her flashlight and looked around. "Come on in, guys. It looks so weird, yet, so cool.." Willow said. The others came in through the window one by one. When everyone was in, the group discussed a plan. They were going to go in groups of two in different directions. Just so it doesn't take as long as everyone going together, because, to be honest, they were all kind of tired. "Okay, well I choose to go with Liv!" Avery said, running over to where Liv was standing. This made Willow's heart ache. 'We always stick together, what happened to that?' She thought to herself. "Alright, then I choose Maiya, heh." Tony said, walking over to Maiya. Liv laughed, "Don't get too crazy with it!" Tony and Maiya didn't say anything, just stood there blushing and giggling. "Wait, I don't have a partner?" Willow said confused. "Oh! Well, Max is your partner, Willow!" Willows heart dropped as she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She slowly turned around and saw Max standing there with a soft smile on his face. 'SHIT!' Willow thought to herself.

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