Chapter 2:Seven Thousand Miles For What?

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As soon as me and Morgan got in the car I thought I was finally getting better. I thought wrong. As soon as we were half way to our destination I made him pull over. I threw up at the side of the road for about 10 minutes. Morgan sat by my side the whole time holding my hair. No matter what, Morgan was always here for me, and I loved him for that.

I got back in the car after changing my shirt and cleaning my face off. Morgan gave me some water to wash my mouth out and gum. "Morgan," He looked at me for a second before returning his attention back to the road, "Yes?" "I just want to thank you for everything, I'm sorry i treated you like shit. I love you, you know? I also have to give you something when we get back." I wasn't totally recovered but Morgan talked some sense into me. "Hey, no need to say sorry, I just did what any good friend would of done. I love you too." I squeezed his hand gently.

I guess I fell asleep because Morgan woke me up as soon as we arrived, "Zee were here." He shaked me gently waking me up. "Oh?" I looked around unsure of where we were. "Where are we?" I questioned. "Turn around." I turned around and quickly noticed the resturant on the shore of the beach me and him use to always go to. "OMG!" I gasped and then smiled widely like an idiot. I jumped up and down like a child who got there first ever two wheel bike. "I knew you'd like it." He said laughing at my excitement. "Morgan thank you so much" I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, hugging him from around his neck. He held me up for support and spun me around and whispered, "Anything for you Zee."

We quickly ate. I ate like a poor homeless person who hasn't ate for years. I was starving. Morgan kept laughing at how fast I was eating, but I didn't care. We finished in no longer then 20 minutes. Morgan paid then we decided to walk on the beach like we always did. I took off my shoes and stuck my feet in the water. "Zundra," I looked at Morgan and nodded my head. "I really missed this, I missed you." With that, he leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised. He pulled away quickly noticing what he did. "Zee I'm so sorry, I- I don't know what I was thinking. I don't kno....." I kissed him before he could continue talking. I pulled away and hugged him.

We headed home after getting ice cream and playing around with the sand. I was tired, I needed sleep, but I didn't want to be alone tonight. "Morgan, uhhhm. I don't want to be alone tonight-" "Yes Zee I'll stay with you tonight." He looked over and smiled then directed his attention back to the road. I chuckled and clapped my hands in excitement. We always use to sleep at each other's houses.I missed old times. I'm glad it's all coming back now.

Me and Morgan got out of the car. I ran up to him and grabbed him by his hand dragging him inside. "Woah Zee I know you want me that bad, but calm down." He laughed at his own statement. "Morgan!" I squealed turning around and slapping him in the chest. "I have something for you!" He smiled and did a little happy dance. I laughed at his weirdness, I always do.

I ran to my room while he sat in the living room on the couch with a beer in his hand sipping from it from it time to time. I walked out with a bag behind my back. I coughed getting his attention. "Don't freak out but here." I handed him the bag and he quickly opened it taking things out slowly. The first thing he took out was a signed C.D from my close buddy's from Of Mice & Men. Then he pulled out the poster signed by Memphis May Fire, also my buddy's. He kept pulling out merch all signed by my friends at warped.

He squealed in happiness & excitement. He jumped up and hugged me. "OMG ZEE THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" I promised him signatures and merch so he got it. "Morgan anything for you." I smiled and watched him try on a Pierce The Veil shirt signed by them all. He leaned down and kissed me, I quickly kissed back with no hesitation. "Time to go to bed?" Morgan said with eagerness. "Yes time for bed." I laughed and pulled him to my room. I shut the door behind us. I walked into the bathroom and got on my pj's. Morgan laughed and just took off his shirt and jeans leaving him in his boxers. Let me tell you, he was sexy.

Me and Morgan finally calmed down from all our excitement and layed down. "Zee, I love you. You're a great friend." I giggled, "Morgan you're the great friend, you saved me from killing myself enough times. You always take me out of my misery." Morgan shot me a look, "You saved me plenty of times, it's the least I can do."

After talking about all those funny times we had together I started drifting off to sleep. Morgan whisphered in my ear, "Night Zee." He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arms around me. At this point we were spooning. I then let sleep take over.

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