CHAPTER ONE, girl meets boy

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Today was one of those days where Tabitha needed coffee

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Today was one of those days where Tabitha needed coffee. Well, she didn't need it, but she sure did want it. Coffee and music often made her feel better when her parents would fight. Her parents happened to be fighting before she left so she snuck out of her room, knowing her parents would be so caught up with fighting to notice her being gone. 

She didn't have a car and she didn't want to bother her parents so that's why she was walking to town. Luckily she didn't live that far from the café she always went to. The brunette-headed girl eventually got to the main part of town and headed over to the café. 

Tabitha looked both ways before crossing the street since the café she was going to was at the other side. She was positive that she saw no cars coming, but at the last minute a car came zooming towards her. She wouldn't have known that until she had gotten hit, but luckily someone had been paying attention. 

She let out a yelp of surprise when she felt her body collide with the ground and another body collide with hers. Her eyes grow wide, watching as the car zoomed past where she was just standing a second ago. She was sure her heart was beating out of her chest. She literally almost just died if it wasn't for the person who was on top of her.

"Do you think you could get off of me now?" She mentally scolded herself for that being the first words to the person who saved her life. 

"Y-yeah." The brunette-headed boy responded, quickly getting off of her and stood up. He reached a hand to her and she took his hand, letting him easily pull her up onto her feet. 

"I-I'm sorry I said that." She stuttered with a sheepish smile on her lips. "That kinda sounded rude, didn't it?"

He chuckles lightly, shrugging his shoulders. "It's alright. Not everyday you get collided by someone."

"Well, I'm glad you collided with me instead of that car." Tabitha comments, her cheeks turning a pink color after realizing what she just said. Her eyes grew wide at seeing how handsome this boy is. "Wow, you're gorgeous."

The boy chuckles lightly and she facepalmed, feeling her face heat up with embarrassment. "And I'm awkward. Sorry about that." She sheepishly smiles at him. "I'm Tabitha Nelson."

"You don't have to be sorry about that." The boy smiles at her. "I'm EJ Caswell. It's nice to meet you." 

Tabitha awkwardly smiles. "T-thank you for saving my life."

He just shrugs his shoulders with a shy smile on his lips. "No problem. I'm sure anyone else would've done the same thing."

"Not so sure about that." She scoffs, shaking her head as her eyes went to the ground. "I'm not exactly the type of person someone would want to save."

"I obviously thought the opposite." EJ said, playfully elbowing her. "Don't put yourself down like that. You seem like a great person to be around."

Her lips curved upwards and he smiled at seeing the twinkle of happiness in her eyes. "Thanks, EJ. That...That means a lot to me."

"You don't happen to go to East High, do you?" EJ asked her.

Tabitha nods. "Yeah, I'm a senior there."

He smiles. "Oh, cool! Me too. Maybe I'll see you around at school sometime?" 

Tabitha smiles back at him. "Yeah, maybe."

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket, but she didn't need to look at it to know that it was her parents either calling or texting her. That meant she was probably going to get a lecture about sneaking out when she got home and not be able to get what she went to town for. Not that she was complaining since she met this cute boy.

"I gotta go, but thanks again for saving me." Tabitha told him.

"You're welcome." EJ nods, putting his hands into the pockets of his letterman jacket he wore. "Pay more attention next time you cross the street. I don't want my new friend to get hit by a car."

"I'll be careful." She reassured him and they shared a smile. On her walk home, she couldn't stop smiling, and to top it off she was actually excited for school on the next day. 

A/N I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short, but I hope you guys liked it!

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