CHAPTER SEVEN, weekend acting intensive

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The drama club members were in the bomb shelter on a Saturday for practice

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The drama club members were in the bomb shelter on a Saturday for practice. They were all surrounding Ricky who was playing a video on Instagram that North High recently made about the new play they were now doing. It got on Tabitha nerves that they just randomly changed their play to the play that East High is doing.

"Hey, that's what's-her-name," Seb speaks up, pointing at Lily who was dressed in Belle's gold dress in the video that was playing. "Lily, from our auditions."

Ashlyn stops her pacing, putting her hands on her hips as she looks at everyone with a nervous expression. "You mean perfect-pitch, looks-like-an-actual-Disney-princess, super-fangirl/mean girl Lily?"

Tabitha shares a look with EJ before they look back at Ashlyn. "I'll say yes." EJ replied.

Ashlyn nods. "I remember her vaguely."

"Ash, don't worry about her, okay? You are way more talented than she is." Maeve told her, looking at her with a reassuring smile. Ashlyn still looked worried as she looked at Maeve, but she nodded and even smiled at the brunette-haired girl.

"Thank you all for coming so quickly on a Saturday." Miss Jenn walks inside the bomb shelter, carrying hula hoops. Carlos follows her, carrying a bag of pool noodles. Tabitha looks to her right where Maeve sat, sharing a confused look with her when they both noticed what Carlos and Miss Jenn carried. They look back at Miss Jenn as she continues to speak. "Or most of you all."

The ones who were standing sat back down on the risers as Carlos and Miss Jenn sat the stuff they had on the long table in the bomb shelter. "We're missing a teapot and a village idiot." Miss Jenn observed, turning to face everyone with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh, I think Kourtney and Big Red are at the pizza place." Ricky informed Miss Jenn.

"Yeah," Seb nods. "Kourtney texted in the group. They said that they couldn't get anyone to cover their shifts."

The drama club members look at him with wide eyes. EJ even hit Seb on the shoulder for almost spilling their secret. Seb cringes when he realized what he did. "Oh." The drama club members had two group chats. One with all the drama club members and Miss Jenn, and then the real group chat which was the one with just the drama club members. Miss Jenn didn't know about the second group chat and they wanted to keep it that way.

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