CHAPTER THIRTEEN, the transformation part one

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It was the day of rehearsal where they would practice the scene where the Beast turns back into Prince Adam

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It was the day of rehearsal where they would practice the scene where the Beast turns back into Prince Adam. They were all on stage, conversing with each other until it was time to go over the scene again.

Maeve was filling in Tabitha on how she has been hanging out with Antoine lately. Tabitha wasn't really for sure how she felt about it since Antoine seemed to be friends with Lily, but if Maeve was happy then so was she. Tabitha did make sure Maeve would know that if that French exchange student breaks her heart Tabitha won't hesitate to punch Antoine.

"Alright, let's get started!" Carlos shouts, but no one seemed to pay attention. He furrows his eyebrows, walking over to the group. "Um, hello? Let's get started!" He walked over to stand beside Miss Jenn who nodded.

"Okay, Wildcats." Miss Jenn claps, getting everyone's attention. The conversations stop and they all turn to face her and Carlos. "Let's shake spring break out of our systems," Some of the teens shimmies their shoulders ass a way to do what Miss Jenn said. "And try the Beast transformation one last time."

"And remember," Miss Jenn continues. "This is the triumph of the show, the moment the audience has been waiting for. This has to work."

Ricky glances at Ashlyn with a small smile, whispering to her, "No pressure, right?" Ashlyn nodded and chuckled nervously.

Miss Jenn looks at Ricky. "Ricky, try not to rush this time. We'll speed it up when you're more confident."

Ricky slowly nods. "Got it."

Miss Jenn walks over to sit down in front of a music sheet stand she used as a table for her binder and Carlos sat besides her. "Let's take it from, 'You came back'."

Tabitha and Maeve move off to the side of the stage, standing near where Big Red, EJ, and Kourtney are at. Maeve sat on top of the prop that was going to be used as a bar counter for the 'Gaston' scene, sitting beside Big Red. Kourtney was leaning against the front of it while EJ stood by the side of it. 

He had his elbow leaned on the table, resting his chin on his hand. A smile tugged on his lips when he feels Tabitha link her arm with his. He glanced at her and they share a smile. They looked back at Ashlyn and Ricky when Miss Jenn had told them to start the scene. Ricky got the Beast mask on as Ashlyn kneeled on the floor. He then readjusted himself so he was laying his head on Ashlyn's lap. 

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