Chapter 6: Victorians

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Landor's POV

I finished my plans with the Victorians. I knew I had to make this one special. So I went to Skandorian and walked into the hunting grounds... The memories. This place was legendary, best elk in the whole world. But that was not why I was here. I had to get to the town.

I wore me white hooded cloak, one of my favorites. I walked to the gate, and opened it... Well attempted too, because the second I walked into the town, there was a blade at my neck.

A woman behind me said to me, "Ah, a new face.... Never seen you at Skandorian? I am sure you have quite the treasures in your possession."

I said with no fear in my voice, not knowing the enemy, because she was behind me, "I have no time for thieves."

The knife got tighter on me neck, "Well you are about to have a lot less time in your hands if you don't give me your belongings."

I said with still no fear, "Fine, check my pockets, I do not have much."

I felt a hand in my pocket, and I tried not to snicker, because I knew nothing but a few coins were in my pockets."

When she checked my pockets, I felt the knife leave my neck and the wielder was laughing. She stepped in front of me and then I saw in my amazement who it really was.

It was Clorida, I said trying to avoid her from noticing it was me, "That is all I have, I promise. Now leave me be."

Clorida laughed again, "Landor shut up, I know it is you."

I let my face show and asked, "How did you know?"

Clorida said, "I am not giving away my secrets, now what brings you to Herbilin's town?"

Now to show her my skills, "The same reason you are here... To see the Victorians."

I could tell Clorida was impressed, when she said, "How did you know that?!?"

I smirked and said, "Unlike you, I'll answer the question...

First off I noticed that you took 3 coins out of 10 from my pocket, the exact amount of admission on the Victorian's training grounds. Secondly I noticed you brought a sword with you, I never seen you wear a sword before. And lastly, your outfit is so tight I noticed you had no coins on you and that is why you took my money."

Clorida a little disgusted said, "Well lets go then."

I hid my face with the hood again and walked through the town. We got to the Victorian's training ground, and gave the Victorian near the gate the 6 coins, three each.

I saw a huge lake just outside the training ground and I asked Clordia, "What is that?"

She told me, "It is the deepest lake in the world, but that isn't the weird part. The weird part is that some say a monster lives in there, and will come out whenever there is no moon and it will take any living thing it finds found.

I went to the archery section leaving Clordia, and stood 30 feet away from my target. I shot 10 arrows all completely missing the target. I moved up 5 feet and shot another 10, this time a bulky man was watching, I missed all 10. Then I stepped another ten beginning to look frustrated and shot 2 at the out edge of the target and missed the other 8. I finally walked ten feet this time and shot 4 of them at the outer part of the target, shot 2 in the inner part of the target and missed 4.

The bulky man walked up to me and said, "You're pretty good, will you like a challenge?"

I replied, "I don't know I just started...."

The bulky man laughed, "Me too, now how much do you want on your ten shots being better than mine?"

I said, "I am feeling lucky today, 500 coins."

Everyone looked over and came to watch after hearing the price.

The man laughed again and said, "You got a challenge." Then he shook my hand and called over a judge for the bet. We gave him the 500 coins each and stood 30 feet back, the usual distance for a challenge.

The man shot first, a very good ten shots too. He made two bull's eye, six inner shots and 2 outer shots. The total score of 550 out of 1000. Everyone knew it was a great one, but everyone seemed sad.

It was my turn, the man said to me, "These ten shots may be the last ten shots in your life... Make 'em good."

He was right, 500 coins is a lot of money, it's almost as bad as losing a horse. I didn't care though, I could steal twice, no three times that amount of money in one heist. So I put my arrow in the bow, getting ready to shoot. I shot all ten so fast, if anyone blinked they would have missed one arrow go by. After I was done shooting, all ten arrows hit the bull's eye. Everyone was still trying to come to come to realization well... That it was real. The judge went up to the board and counted all ten.

The judge turned and yelled, "1000 POINTS!!! New Record!"

He walked to me and put up my hand and he asked me my name whispering and I whispered it. Then he rose my hand and yelled, "Landor wins!"

Then the judge handed me the money that was in a locked chest, then he handed me the key. I opened up the chest and showed everyone all the coins, and everyone cheered. I then walked up to the lake and.... Dumped all the coins in the lake.

Everyone gasped and some even cried, but I snickered after someone asked, "Why did you do that?"

I then said, "This world has become too corrupt! All you guys want money, you are going to get your life killed. Soon, pretty soon, your race will jump into that water for those coins! And they will all die! Can you imagine it..." i looked into the eyes of the crowd, "Because if you can't. You won't need too... It will be reality!!! So don't be shocked I did that, because maybe, if your smart, it will be a custom."

Then I walked out of the training grounds and then dropped to the ground... I got knocked out.


Hey I am back...

I am sorry about the massive wait, but don't worry cross country is over. I will be posting a lot more now and it will be awesome.

See you soon

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