Chapter 2: 25 Spears

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Chapter 2

Landor's POV:

Well, well well half the generals don't believe I don't support a side, time to change that. And I know exactly how to: kill two citizens of every town of the Nordinian Empire and the Urake Empire, one man and one women. I will then kill two bandits, mages, pirates, rangers, assassins and giants, all killing one man and women. Then I will kill two of every race: orc, elf and nord. Then I will kill two of each social class: slave, poor, middle and noble.

I spent that whole week killing the people and hiding their bodies in - (sorry can't tell you in case your a guard...)

When I finished killing everyone on the list, I impaled there body into a certain spear. The spear categories were race, social class, each town, bandit, mage, giant, pirate, ranger, assassin and finally guards I had to kill in the process of killing the people. So 25 spears including the spear with a note:

This was an avoidable task if you just believed me. But now that you know I am not on anyone's side, I'll give you one tip:


- Landor

I planned to put it in the front gates of Nordith because Aela was the most doubtful one. But I needed a distraction... Leading a dragon to the back gate of the town. I decided to hire a couple of mercenaries for 500 gold each- I know it is expensive but if you want something done right it takes money. I told them to lead a dragon to the back gate and luckily they were elves because if they were Nords they would be calling the guards up. I obviously didn't tell them about the spear part of the plan but they didn't need to know.

So I waited in a pine tree staring at the guards guarding the gate, I knew if I was detected they would notice all the spears on the forest floor. It would just ruin the surprise. Then I heard a dragon roar and flames bursting through the air. I saw a soldier open the gate and told one of the two guards to help. The distraction was set. I shot the guard, the only witness, with my dragon spine bow. I started setting up the 25 spears. Digging a hole and burying the spear so the point is facing up. Starting with the two Nordith citizens and making a semi circle to the note. I impaled the guard, I shot earlier, into the guard spear. I ran away and met up with the mercenaries and payed them the other half of the payment and a 50 gold tip, because I was pleased with my work and had to do something to control my excitement.

I couldn't wait for everyone's reaction. I was sitting on a limb of a tall pine tree close enough to the gate that I can hear their voices. I was pleased. I had to cover myself with pine needles so they wouldn't see me.

Two guards opened the gate door, probably to tell the dead guard the town is safe. When they saw the spears, they were speechless. You should have been there the faces were hilarious, a mixture of fear and confusion with a hint of I don't know how to react and a bit of was this on the job description. After two minutes one guard starts calling Aela's name. Alea came to the gate, same look on her face when she saw the spears. Only for a disappointing, ten seconds. Then she started examining each spear and who was on it. She then got to the note spear and read the note.

She just mumbled, "I knew it."

She told one of the guards to get five messengers and send them to each general and get them here imeadiatly.

She obviously knew I was somewhere near, because she sent 10 guards to search for me. A little man hunt, eh?I'll play along. I guess I didn't lose all my excitement, well 150 gold isn't that much...

I threw a pine cone at another tree across from me so that the tree's pines shaked. They thought I was in the tree, while they were observing the tree; I got down the other tree behind them. I looked at them for a second, satisfied, an amutaer trick.

Then I felt something sharp cutting my outerskin, but stopped.

Then I heard Aela growl, "You think you can come to my town and try to embarrass me. No, your under arrest."

I dropped down to my knees and started hatching a plan. Can't escape now, she would be more careful next time. I guess I'll wait.

I was put into a cell, with all my belongings taken away from me. I sat on the bench. After all day of sitting there thinking of a plan, I decided to fall asleep.

When I woke up, every general was staring at me. I don't know how long they were staring at me but it troubled me. Aela hit me in the head and told me to wake up. I guess I was dragged to an interrogation room because I am now tied up in a chair. What have I got myself into...

I turned to Clorida first, "If I find anything gone when I get out of here. I am going after you. And you will be joining Rantle's fate."

Gandor said, "No you will be joining his fate, execution tomorrow morning."

"For one crime? You guys are afraid already?!?"

Clorida said confused, "Why would we be afraid? You're the one dying."

"You hope so too, because all of you are scared of what I'll do next. You want to end the nightmare now by killing me. No, no, no. You see your empire is just a fire pit and I just ignited the timber. If you kill me now,it won't fix the problem. It just will show the citizens of you unfair attitudes. They already took down one of you."

Aela growled, "One of us?"

"They haven't told you? The citizens of Frintin gave me the bounty to kill Rantle. 7000 gold. That's how much there willing to pay to uncorrupt there town. Frintin's citizens already realized by guess who? Yes, me. I was the one to spread the rumor."

Herbilin asked cautiously, "What rumor?"

I laughed, "That Rantle was taking the taxes for himself and that is why the town is so poor. And that surel-"

I was interrupted when Aela tackled me. It was my chance. So I held on to my knee and pretending to wail. They tried to stop me, but I told them I needed medicine for my bad knee. After 5 minutes, they lost patience and Gandor brought back all my potions. Luckily, I didn't label them, because he would have brought the healing potion.

I grabbed one yellowish green potion and threw it on the ground near the generals. I closed my mouth-because I couldn't cover it with my arm while it's tied up-and in about 5 seconds they all started coughing. I then jump as high as I could with my legs tied up and had the chair set at an angle so it will break. The wooden chair broke and I stole back my knife and gold from Clorida. Then I kicked open the door killing the guards with the knife. I got to the chest with all my stuff and lock picked it open. I collected all my stuff back and left the town with my disguising skill- hoods always work.

I am free again not that I was ever in threat of losing freedom. Time to plan for my meeting with the Victorians, an unexpected meeting for them of coarse.



Did you guys like reading Landor's point of view? Or do you like third person? Tell me in the comments.

I also am going to have Aela's POV next because Landor won't be in the next chapter physically. :( Or it could be third person if you guys like third, it will probably be confusing though.

Make sure to vote too but mostly comment on the POV or 3rd person.

Bye for now.

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