Chapter 12: Everything has Roots

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Landor's POV

When I sat down, Ligos snickered saying, "There are no more good fighters anymore."

I replied, "If you are looking for some, an inn is not the place to look."

Ligos said admitting, "I know, I know," then he changed his tone completely, "So do you have the map."

I pulled the map out, "You're lucky I am responsible or this thing would have been gone."

I rolled out the map. It was a very detailed map with every town in it. It showed most of the coastline of the Nords' territory with a bit of Orcish Land near a mountain.

Ligos began, "In that fight I only made 100 gold. And we both know 100 gold is not a lot. I mean 1000 gold isn't a lot to us! So I am proposing we go on adventure for some Secrettes."

I actually liked the idea, Secrettes were what every man in the world dreamed of. No one knows where they came from, but people think the gods sent them to our world. The weapons have immortal powers, like lighting things on fire, shocking the enemy, etc. So I said, " Of course I am in."

Ligos smiled, "I knew you would go. We will be going to the Orcish Mountain, called Shir La Ti. This is where all the treasures are held," his voice got lower than even a whisper, "But I found out a new passage that no one knows yet."

The Ligos pointed to a map, "We will find a crew and a ship at Stelant, Clorida's town. Then we will raid and loot the town of Nazarise, where the witches live. Then we will go up the coast to find the Bandit's Cove. This place will be full of bounties and stolen goods. Then we ride along the coast until we see Dragon's Peak. Nazarolf lives there, the leader of the Nazarise. We will have to kill him too, because he will try to kill us. His dragon is said to have golden scales with iron teeth. I don't believe it but we will find ou when it's head is smashed in. Then we will make it to the mountain where Hadred's Orc army stays and thrives. There will be too many to fight even for us so we must go around to the back of the mountain where the Piral creatures live, viscous creature walk like bears but with apish features. They can take out a nord in one blow that is why there are no orcs there. They are too scared. Once we are on top of the mountain, I will explain the rest. It is too private for an inn even with a whisper."

I said with a smirk, "Sounds like the hardest part is finding a crew."

Ligos laughed, "Don't say it sarcastically, remember we are elves. What nord will follow us?"

I smiled, "You just answered your question," I then pulled out the sign I found that said:

"Ball at the Hall of Gandor.

Every city is allowed to come.

Formal dance must wear something nice.

Time: 7:30"

And in bold the sign said, "NO ELVES ALLOWED"

Ligos said, "So? The dance is probably over."

I said proud of my cleverness, "We need weapons and armor for the crew right?"

Ligos said still confused, "Yes."

"Well since Aela made this dance because she was mad I beat her, all we have to do is get her mad again. Well we can raid Nordith's armory, Aela's town and get armor and weapons there. Her soldiers do have the best armor and weapons. And when she finds out we stole armor and weapons, she will get mad. So it will be like killing two orcs with one arrow."

Ligos snickered, "Raid Aela's Armory it is."


I am sorry this only has a dialogue but it needed to be done. Next part will have action though. And the next part and the next part.

Well I can't promise that but I can promise it won't be as boring as this part.

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