Chapter 17- Smoldering Courage

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Landor's POV

We stopped our ship and dropped the anchor to the bottom. We all got on row boats, three for elves, dwarves and humans. I was in the elf boat and looked at the the town in hatred. We were a couple miles away, when we landed our row boats. I searched for guards up at the walls and luckily there was only one.

I shot the guard between the eyes so she couldn't squeal for help. We ran to the wall silently and leaned against it. We were going over the plan, but a scream interrupted me. I knew what it was, it was the burning of the prisoners. I quickly changed the plan, started to think of a new plan. Ligos tried to convince me to not risk saving someone, but I told him to lead the elves while I handled the Nords and Dwarves.

I then climbed the wall and shot two more witches on the other side of the walls. I cleared the wall surrounding the whole town and searched for a ladder, but there was none.

I had everyone climb the wall, which was not difficult for how low the wall was with the rocks right near it. The dwarves need some help, and the elves and nords had to lift them up some ways. That took two people per dwarf for how stalky they were. I told Ligos what to command after the signal and the elves crouched down avoiding notice on the wall while waiting for the signal.

I led the Nords and dwarves and we spotted the burning platform. We snuck around the wall to the other side of the town, which was surprisingly silent for dwarves. They must have learned to sneak living in a thieve's paradise, Stelant.

I saw what the witches were doing:

A witch in a ceremonial robe walked in front of a tied up prisoner.

The prisoner pleaded, "Please don't kill me, I am just a farmer."

Then all the witches chanted some prayer and the ceremonial robed witch burned him with his powers. The witches chanted another prayer, and the ceremonial robed witch chose the next victim.

There was still five more prisoners to save and some were trying to free themselves, some were crying and some were praying to their god to save them.

I told my soldiers to charge at the witches. I shot four arrows at once hitting four seperste witches in the chest. My soldiers all roared a battle cry and the Nords threw knives and the Dwarves threw axes at them. They took out 8 witches already, out of 36.

Ligos got the signal and told his elves to light the candle on their bows and fire at the barracks. The candle made it efficient to light arrows made to start fires.

The barracks lit on fire and some of the witches ran outside. Ligos ordered his elves to kill all the escaping witches. Soon the barracks was engulfed in fire and all left in the building were nothing but burnt corpse.

We all jumped down the wall ignoring the pain from the fall in the heat of battle and charged at the witches. I charged at one and smashed him with my shoulder. He fell down and i finished him with a sword in his stomach.

I ran at another and kicked him into another witch making them fall down onto eachother. I impaled them both with one stab. I then decapitated one and kicked his head at another witch. The witch's attention was drawn away from one of my soldiers and stopped conjuring fire at him. He turned to see who hit him but was met with a blade in his stomach.

Boria's POV (Dwarf)

I sprinted at one of them and head butted him in the stomach, he fell down. I decapitated him with my axe while he was on the ground. I then saw another throwing an axe at his head.

I felt fire crawl up my back, burning me; then it stopped immediately. I saw a Nord kneeling down facing the witch using his shield to deflect the fire. A Nord?!?! Helping a Dwarf? This is impossible.

I made the best of it though, running around the Nord, I charged at the witch while he was distracted by the Nord and slashed my axe into his side. He fell down, dead and then I looked over to the Nord, but he was off fighting more witches. He impaled one with his sword from behind and ran to get another.

I charged at one until I heard Landor, "Circle around the prisoners keep them safe. We all ran to the prisoners where Landor stood with his bow shooting at witches trying to kill the prisoners to ruin our rescue mission.

Landor's POV

I saw my soldiers run towards me to help.

I yelled, "Nords, shields up and stop those flames of those demons. Dwarves untie the prisoners and give them something to defend themselves with."

They did as told, and it seemed as though we won. Sadia and I killing the last of the witches, I, shooting with a bow, and Sadia, throwing knives.

Then over 50 witches poured out of the palace. We were surrounded and slowly being smoldered by fire. The shields helped, but they couldn't possibly deflect all the destruction. I told my soldiers to charge and they ran at the witches with amazing courage.

Algor's POV (Nord)

We were surrounded by witches in the matter of seconds. I could almost feel my skin melting deflecting the flames. I was relieved when I heard Landor telling us to charge.

I ran right at one that was laughing at me when he saw me struggle with the heat. I saw regret in his eyes and I made sure that his last emotion he ever feels. I slit his throat with my sword, laughing at him for a change.

I was burned by more flames coming from another witch. I put my shield up and ran up to her with my shield deflecting all the flames she could possibility conjure at me. I bashed her with my shield that stunned her for a few seconds, but those few seconds were her last.

I heard a grunt and saw a dwarf mowing down witches with his axes swinging away at their thighs for that was height that gave him the most reach.

He was stopped by a witch spewing fire at him from just a distance he could not reach, and if he got closer he would get burnt to a crisp. The ointment was helping the dwarf but he would be dead soon.

So I ran through fire, because of all the witches and jumped over him and just before my landing I slammed my sword into his head almost splitting it in half.

I turned to the dwarf and he let out a mighty growl and tripped a witch and smashed his axe into her head. There was still too many of them, the ointment was wearing off and the firing was starting to burn us.

Witches soon surrounded us slowly burning us to death. There was nothing we could do.

Lander's POV

There were too many witches to fight and we were going to die if this kept up. I looked at my soldiers, some dead already other surrounded. Their couraged has turned to fear and surrendering was the only option.



Okay a little bit more variety on the POV

Well I will update soon maybe this weekend

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