Chapter 3- The Four Who Want

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Aela's POV

I stopped coughing after five painful minutes, painful because that much coughing hurts and painful because Landor escaped. I was about to tell some guards to get on horses and find him. But when I opened my mouth, Arivian put his hand on my shoulder. "It is too late, he's gone."

Then I heard Clorida mumble, "Should have hid the knife."

I asked, "What happened?"

She sadly said, "He stole his knife back and the 200 gold he had. It was a good knife too, dragon tooth knife. He also had a dragon spine bow, dragon scale armor and probably more dragon stuff I didn't recognize. Do you think he killed a dragon?"

What if he did kill a dragon. Maybe he could be a defender of my town. There are a usually decent amount of dragons a year. No! He wouldn't be loyal! What am I thinking!

Just when I was about to say no, because I didn't like him after that last thought, Arivian asked, "Did he steal any of your belongings?"

Ugh, Arivian always being official, never wants to start a conversation that's fun. Who says belongings too? Literally this guy has no fun, just wants to have the best town.

Clorida checked her pockets once then twice and she was very confused, "Not even my gold."

Arivian gave a sigh and said, "We are dealing with one of the great activist. Al Dadorian Von Pers will know who he is."

We are traveling on horseback to this secret underground library in the desert. Only a few know it's location and all the generals get the coordinates. I never went in the library, because I didn't care about prophets. My soldiers can defeat anyone even prophets.

We arrived and saw this really old man with a beard down to his knees reading a book. A perfect place for Arivian, always hanging out with my senior soldiers, but if you ask him he would say it is a meeting.

Arivian greeted the man with the name of Al Dadorian Von Pers. He is one of the librarians here, he specializes in elf prophets.

Arivian told the Librarian about Landor and what he did at the meeting, the spears and the jail. He also emphasized on how Landor didn't steal anything from Clorida and only stole things back. Then Arivian asked the dumbest question I ever heard in my life: Is Landor a prophet?

I laughed at the question and said, "Arivian, how could Landor be a prophet? He got captured so easily."

Arivian said a little mad, "But he escaped easily too. It is all your fault too" now he was really mad "if you didn't lose your it, he could be sitting at the cel rightl now!"

The librarian apartlantly ignored us and was finding a book. He came back and said, "Landor is a strange individual, but not a prophet. He will fight like no man, I can tell you that. He could be a very big problem for you guys and it may seem like he is a prophet of the elves, but I can't make a dissuasion yet. He could be one, but with the information here, it seems like your only at a start point."

"So we came all this way for nothing, do you know how dry my hair got traveling through the desert!" Clordia shouted.

The librarian said, "I do know someone that can be of an assistance." He walked into another room and called for Gandrial.

Gandrial walked into the room, he had a white robe with a hood so you couldn't see his eyes. He also had so many knives on his belt I couldn't count them. I looked over to Clorida and she was staring at the knives almost drooling at the Elven one. I nudged Clordia and told her don't even think about it. Clorida was about to argue, but Gandrial started talking, " So you wish to know about Landor," He pulled out a chair and sat on it resting his feet on the nearest bookshelf. "Well he is my friend, probably my greatest-"

Herbilin interrupted and asked, "Does that mean your an elf?"

Arivian sighed while Gandrial wrote something down. He put down his hood and when his hood was down, we saw a young and handsome nord. Everyone but Arivian shouted out, "A nord?!?"

"Can one not be friends with another race. The war has ended, elves and Nords live in peace now... But, I met Landor during the War..."

/// Flashback/// (Gandrial's POV)

I was hunting at Elk's Peak, the place is the best hunting grounds in all the lands, caught 10 elk so far. I was about to shoot my 11th when the elk was shot I sighed, I knew there will be trouble .Lyia the Huntress from the Victorans killed it, yes this is trouble. Then she turned to Gandrial, "Get off my territory, this is owned by the Victorians."

Then I saw an arrow go into the elk that Lyia shot. Landor appeared and smiled, "This one is going on the wall."

I chuckled, but Lyia stopped me with a cold glare and then turned back to Landor, "That is my elk and this is my territory. Leave!"

Landor asked while skinning the elk, "How is this your territory? Does the general think that?"

"Well you're an elf so I should kill you right here right now, but you are skinning my elk for me."

"And do you fight in the war?"

"Uhh, yeah."

Gandrial blurted out, "NO YOU DON'T!?!?"

"So you are just an arrogant hunter that takes advantage that our soldiers left town. And now you think you are strongest so you can control everything. Not only is that mean, but is pathetic. If I hear you telling people to leave again, it won't be the elk being shot." Then Landor gave the skin, antlers and meat to Gandrial and called his horse and galloped away.

I ran to my town, Skandorian, and told everyone I knew what just happened. Everyone was happy, because no one liked the Victorians. I sat at my stall shop selling my 11 elk pelts and roasted Venison(elk meat).

I saw Landor walking around and then I saw a Victorian, taking an apple and biting into it and then putting two more in his pocket. He had two other Victorians with him; they must have been recruits because I haven't seen them before. The one that took the apple was Slik, he was the one handed specialist in the Victorians, and he just walked away not paying the lady of stall shop of coarse. He was talking to the two others while walking, probably teachig them that they can take whatever they want. Typical Victorians always taking things from our stall shops without paying.

I saw Slik walk past Landor, and Landor bumped into Slik a bit. Slik just turned around and pushed him to the ground, Landor surprisingly not getting up to defend himself. Silk spit on the ground near Landor and said something I couldn't hear. Everyone cleared a path for Slik and his two recruits.

Landor got up after Slik took a couple steps after turning around and handed the lady that sold the apples 12 gold, the amount of money, Slik should have paid. The lady gave him three apples,

but Landor pointed to Slik and said something I still could not hear. I told my partner to take charge of the shop while I was gone; I wanted to talk to Landor, but when I got about ten feet from him, I saw Slik unsheathe his sword and shouted, "YOU THIEF!"



Sorry for a late a post. It was Alea's POV so it was different.

Got any advise on writing as Alea comment please.

I hope this was worth the wait. But don't vote because I made this so late.

See you again(sooner)

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