Chapter 18: Palace of Webs

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Landor's POV

I heard two dwarves running into witches when their armor caught on fire. They ran into many witches trying to light them on fire, a warrior's death. I covered my face with my arms preventing most of the burn. I looked up praying to the gods. I then saw arrows rain down at the witches. The arrows pierced the witches and freed us from death. All the Nords and dwarves charged fueled by the power of revenge.

I looked at Ligos. He was there with his elves, I shouted to him, "You're late."

Ligos smiled and shot three arrows at once hitting three witches.

I charged at one witch cutting his hand off just to watch him bleed out. I then cut off his other hand, a witch who could not conjure magic. I left him there to be drenched in pain.

Kiko's POV

After saving those dreaded dwarves, we joined the battle. I shot one witch in the head, and then I took out a bottle of poison throwing it at a group of five witches watching them slowly suffocate. I saw a nord being surrounded by witches; so I took out a different bottle and threw it near the nord. Smoke emerged out of the cracked bottle and filled the air with a black smoke. With an elf's great eye site I was able to depict the figures without a shield and shot at them through the smoke. When the smoke cleared the nord looked around and all the witches were dead. I would have laughed at the nord's confused face but a witch was about to burn me.

I shot him in the stomach quickly and then finished him by shooting him in the head. The numbers were dwindling fast and we finished them off.

One dwarf told another dwarf to hold one down. The second dwarf cut off his hands so he could not conjure any magic. Then the first dwarf made the witch fall down to his knees. Now the wicth was eye level with the second dwarf. The dwarf kept punching him in the stomach and across the cheek. Such barbaric behavior can only be done by dwarves.

Ligos tried to stop the dwarf, but he couldn't. Then Sadia came in and killed the witch to stop the dwarves. Probably the first time a nord solved a problem.

Landor told everyone to follow him to the palace. There were few guards there probably because they all fought us early. Then we were walking up the stairs to find the leader. Halfway up the stairs, we heard a scream and we all looked behind us. No one knew where it came from. Until one of the nords noticed Arthur was missing. We looked around and then after a while we decided to keep moving. Another nord screamed but this time we were ready.

Landor's POV

I turned around with my bow drawn with an arrow ready. We saw a huge spider bringing another nord up to it's web. I shot the web it was using to climb up and it fell with the nord. All the elves shot at once and the spider was impaled with 10 different arrows. It was dead, so we checked if the nord was living. He sadly wasn't.

We saw 9 spiders crawling down to us. We stood ready. We all shot or threw weapons at the spiders killing four of them. Five of them charged at us.

Boria's POV

I charged at one of the spiders swinging my axe at one of its legs. I wounded his leg and while he was stunned a nord helped a dwarf get on the spider. The dwarf started cutting away at its head and it fell.

Kiko's POV

Two elves and I shot arrows from a far at a spider's eyes. It was stunned for a couple of seconds and we finished it by shooting it on the top of the head.

Ligos' POV

I faced a spider on my own and walked over to it. It wasn't too big, just as tall as me. I waited for its attack. He tried to bite me, but I dodged it. When it's head was lifting back up, I jumped on its head and shot an arrow at the top of its head. It collapsed and I stepped off the spider ready to fight.

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