Chapter 41: Our little secret

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Felipe's POV

The past weekend had been quite a busy one, so the arrival of Monday struck all of us harder than usual. Melanie and Alexa didn't dare to kick up a fuss about getting up early for school, but I could see their tiredness in their faces. The twins were also unusually grumpy, and I could attribute that to their previous playdate. It had been nearly impossible to get them to sleep that night, since they missed their friends and didn't want for them to go back to their houses. They even asked if they could have a sleepover, but God knew I had enough of those for a while. Even so, they knew they were too little for that so for now they'd have to wait for the weekend for another playdate.

When I walked into Sam's room, I couldn't say I was surprised she was still sound asleep with an arm wrapped around Clunkers. Our friendly dog sensed my presence instantly, lifting his ear to give me a welcoming look. It was almost a pity to have to wake them, but school wouldn't wait.

"Sam. Wake up doll" I tried gently at first, and unexpectedly she opened her eyes and directed her look to me.

"Ugh dad, you forgot. I don't have first period today" she grumbled against the pillow, seeing as I had interrupted her slumber for nothing.

"Oh, you're right. I suppose I can drive you later then" I spoke mostly to myself, since my daughter had already drifted off again and Clunkers too. "Get up anyways Sam. It won't be that long before we have to go" I announced to the girl that she'd have to abandon her warm cocoon of sheets regardless of going to school later that day.

Sam may be grumpy in the mornings, but she was always a big help with the twins. Anna was feeling more tired than usual that morning, and in her state I had to insist for her to sit down and let me handle everything. While I made breakfast for everyone, my eldest was in charge to help Kim and Trini get changed and ready for school. As it turns out, I was right indeed. It felt like my wife had left with the rest of our children a few minutes ago when I spotted on the kitchen clock it was time to get Sam and myself going as well.

Usually the drive would have been rather quiet, but with so many new things going on in my daughter's life, I wanted to take the opportunity to actually talk about them with her.

"So how are you feeling with your new group?" I asked while she kept her gaze on her phone, like everytime we speak.

"They're alright. I like their sound and I guess they like me" she elaborated a bit more than usual, which filled my heart with joy. She could be so closed up sometimes.

"Are they nice to you?" I asked what I was interested in knowing. They were so much older than her that it had given me the chills when she had informed me and my wife about her new group.

"Justin sure makes sure they are" she let out in a grumble to her cousin's overprotectiveness, but the news had gotten me low guarded.

"Oh... I didn't know he joined you" I said while keeping most of my thoughts to myself. While I was glad they were getting along, it seemed strange they shared so much all of the sudden.

"Uhh sometimes, yeah. I mean these are his friends" she explained without skipping a beat, and I thought maybe I was reading the situation too far.

"Yes, I know. I was actually quite surprised" I couldn't help to admit my concerns.

"Well they needed a guitarist and a vocalist and they had seen me in the competition" she countered again with a lot of confidence. After all it was good that she had finally found a place where she was appreciated.

"I'm glad this is working out for you Sam. You deserve bandmates that know your worth" I said so proudly of my daughter. I knew how talented she was. All my daughters were really.

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