11.08 Tamago's First Date

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Tamago thought the date was going really well.

They had stopped by every clothing department store and Michi had ogled and tried on every blouse and skirt that caught her attention. They ate some confections and bought some milk tea— they even had some fried chicken from the new stall that just opened up opposite the movie theatre.

Tamago tried to avoid the anime stores so he wouldn't have to show Michi just how nerdy he was, but his eyes strayed to the brightly lit windows and happy electronic music every time they passed by. He wasn't going to be tempted by 2D girls while he finally had the chance to date a 3D one of his dreams.

Better than his dreams, Michi was real and she talked a lot and laughed loudly but happily and Tamago loved making her smile whether it be something he did or said or dropped.

He thought she was the best thing in any room he walked into and he was hoping she felt the same about him.

When they passed by the anime stores, Michi would push them into another direction and avoid looking at them at all costs, and Tamago could feel that animosity and didn't want to tamper with it. That was something to unpackage later, when they got to know each other a little bit more. But for now, Tamago wanted to remember their first date as beautifully and as happily as he could.

Hopefully Michi was doing the same.

She looked happy enough. Walking slightly ahead of him the entire time and looking back at him with a flip of her dark hair and a smirk every now and then. Every time they got close enough for him to hold her hand, she would bound away on some new energy spike and excitedly talk about whatever caught her attention in the shop windows or at the stalls littering the aisles. Tamago thought it cute and was relieved when she would bounce away, not thinking he had enough confidence to actually commit and grasp her hand.

How would he hold it anyways? Would he lace his fingers through hers? And if he did, whose thumb was on top? What if he just cupped it? It'd probably get sweaty right? That would be uncomfortable and maybe she'd let go first and then try to wipe their combined sweat off on her skirt and he wouldn't be able to offer her his handkerchief because she would be trying to be inconspicuous but he knew, he knew just how clammy his palms could get and his fingers were bony and awkward and she wouldn't enjoy it at all—

Michi would bump into him every now and then to get his attention and smile at his panic stricken face trying to come up with a joke to keep her entertained.

Tamago wanted to punch himself in the face for being so awkward.

They ended up at the arcade, and wanting to flex his gamer skills, he strutted over to a claw machine and flashed a 100 yen coin to Michi.

She enthusiastically golf clapped with her mouth in a little "o" shape, bobbing her head up and down in agreement.

Tamago had read enough manga to know that getting it on the first try would be suave, but any more attempts than that could also show how persistent he was. But either way he had to get it.

There was a mountain of stuffed Hello Kitty plushies for him to choose from, and he dangled the metallic claw over the one trapped in the center, white paw reaching up to be saved from the embrace of her sister plushies.

Target locked and acquired.

He could see Michi's reflection in the glass and her constant gaze on the prize. His face flushed and he jiggled the controller a little to the left, a little to the right, a smidge up and then another jostle to the left and DING the timer ran out and the claw fell with the unfortunate speed of an anchor making landfall in a harrowing storm.

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