Homeless to Homemate (4)

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^^ Francesca Farago as well, Francesca (I had names for all my characters before I wrote the story so it's pure coincidence that they have the same name) This is NO disrespect to Francesca, just thought she fit the role well physically x

No Roots - Alice Merton


"Is that the walking dead or does he just naturally look festy?"

Unbothered by the remark from the lip-injected barbies seated behind my fallen angel, I remain still and keep my gazed locked on the paint chipped table. If I'm lucky, that'll be all the witch says and won't start a scene in front of everyone. I can't get kicked out if I unintentionally say something offensive if I need to defend myself. It's not worth it. I'd rather just sit here and take it.

However, my angel has other plans.

She twists her body towards the girl who insulted me, giving me a clear view of her golden locks and patterned bandana flowing down her hair. "That's not very nice."

Barbie turns her head towards Neveah as her laughter dies down. Big, round lips cover the majority of the bottom half of her face, making it appear like a thousand bee's stung them. Overly highlighted cheekbones sit high on her face, just below her dark chocolate eyes. Although, it's difficult to pick them out from the shady eyeshadow and liner surrounding them. The amount of makeup she's wearing is leading me to believe that she's hiding something underneath.

I'm not against makeup, but I know that it's meant to enhance your features, not cover them completely. Judging by Nevaeh's freckles on her cheeks and the small pores above her left eyebrow, I know that she's not wearing any. And frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

She has natural beauty.

Barbie's chestnut hair bounces off her cheeks in waves that look way too styled to be natural, leading into a lighter brown the longer her hair falls. Her image is too crisp. There's nothing natural about it. What I hate most about the girl glaring at Nevaeh is that she believes she's better than everyone else.

Barbie scoffs. "Oh, I'm sorry, princess. But I wasn't talking to you."

Nevaeh furrows her brows but keeps an impassive expression on her face. "It doesn't matter. Whoever you were talking about, it wasn't a nice thing to say."

Is she seriously defending me?

Barbie leans towards Neveah. "What makes you think I want to be nice?" She mocked, lifting her own sculpted brows.

By now, the entire class have paused their conversation to peek in on the interaction. I want to help Nevaeh but based on her insisting offers and strong willed attitude, I know she's capable of handling this herself. If I need to step in, I will. I don't care if I get kicked out.

No one breaks my angel's smile.

"Everyone should be nice. Why would you want to be mean?" Nevaeh inquired pouting her lips. She looks like a lost puppy in a lion's den. Only she's the one with the reins.

Barbie smirks. "Because it's fun."

"No, it's cruel. Now back off, Francesca." Amelia snarled.

Francesca? Yeah, that sounds about right.

I'm sticking with Barbie though.

More fitting.

Snake eyes narrow in on Amelia. "I wasn't even talking to her. I was talking about the freak over there." She spits pointing at me.

Freak? So original.

Nevaeh jumps to my rescue. "He's not a freak. Don't throw words around like that when you don't even know them." She defends in a voice I've never heard from her before. So strong, so powerful.

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