Homeless to Homemate (1)

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^^ The handsome, the talented, the narcissistic. One of my personal favourites, MR HARRY STYLES!!!

Treat People With Kindness - Harry Styles


You know what I wish for most in this world?


You can seek love anywhere and everywhere. It gleams off the sun when light illuminates the land, making birds sing with their newborn. It drips from the most beautiful flowers on to the grass where animals can bathe in the essence and settle peace. It brings happiness to those less fortunate and sprouts hope within the poor. It erases the line of diversity and redraws one of unity. It makes the heart smile and skin glow, allowing a sense of contentment to course through the body in the purest way possible. It guides soulmates together and destines their future with a promise ring, signifying their devotion.

Love can cure the sickest mental illnesses. A touch of love can erase the risk of suicide, chasing any remaining depression or anxiety into oblivion and confirming protection.

Love is the only inanimate object, let alone emotion, that can produce warmth strong enough for mind and emotional gratification. Love creates life and life is best lived when it's full of love. It may be difficult to find in certain situations, but if searched for hard enough, love will surface and dissipate all your worries. 

I never understood those who repeatedly choose to cast negativity on others or dwell on things that are unnecessary or can easily be resolved. You're never stuck, there's always a back door or loop hole. Some would just rather wait for the walls to cave in and demolish any chance of escaping.

My goal in life is to be that wrecking ball. 

No one should feel cornered. I don't like it when others feel helpless.

It makes me sad.

"Bye, Nevaeh! Thank you for today."

"See ya, Antonia! No stress, you know I love working with the students. Remind Lacas that I'll teach him how to bake peanut butter cookies tomorrow at lunch." I smile and wave goodbye to the wonderful teacher that manages the Supported Learning Centre.

I came to Antonia in my first year of high school, asking if I could volunteer every recess and lunch to provide assistance and company to the students with disabilities. Since the day I befriended a girl in my third grade class with a little difficulty in her comprehension and learning process, I grew fond for the disabled community. Although, I don't quite like using that word to describe a person because it sounds like a defined characteristic trait. A learning or physical impairment doesn't dictate the attitude or makeup of a person. Their experience and social interactions do.

Forty years ago, our school wanted to grant those with special needs to have as close to a normal school life, so, they built a section specialised for them. The principal has even granted them access during breaks to roam the main school yard and socialize with other students. There's generally no bullying because acceptance is heavily advertised and permitted within the school, even though everyone seems to be understanding regardless.

My black, leather shoes scrape against the concrete every now and then as I walk towards the exit gate. Turning the last corner, I gasp in pleasant surprise when I spot my two best friends, Amelia Ellis and Jade Winters, patiently waiting at the opening to the main school area.

Amelia and I had met in transition, both enrolling as the only ones from our primary schools while the other students chatted with their fellow classmates. Our exclusion had brought us together and created the strongest friendship I've ever known. Dark brown hair peaks from her roots amongst the turquoise strands flowing past her naturally rosy cheeks and down her back. Skilfully winged eyeliner complement her big, brown eyes and signature choker. Despite the school uniforms white button up and navy blue checkered skirt, Amelia always finds a way to express herself in fashion. However, her choice in makeup and accessories doesn't always mirror her persona; Amelia has a sharp wit but is incredibly empathetic and meaningful with her words. She also hates the stereotype forced upon her. The reckless image may be taken as intimidating but she's easy-going and more than approachable. Not to mention a complete tech wiz and, in her words, an algebrainian.

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