Screen Time (4)

44 1 20


Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood

Heaven in Hiding - Halsey

Complicated - Avril Lavigne


Tuesday Morning

I was apprehensive having Theo sleep on the other side of a bunch of flimsy pillows that barely acted as armour to my tiny frame, especially since my unconsciousness could've given him leverage to do whatever he pleased.

However, as my eyes blink open ridding the remaining sleepiness, the pillows are stacked exactly where I placed them. Smack bang in the middle of the bed.

Theo's side was perfectly made, creating a cold absence to the room without his body heat.

My stomach grumbles, demanding me to get my ass up and make it some food. Compelled by hunger, I begrudgingly get up and walk out the door to the kitchen.

Minding my own business, I fill the kettle with water and fit it back into its holder. Squinting from the  sunlight shining through the curtains, I switch the power on so it can boil.

"Morning, Minnie."

I squeal, spinning around to face my intruder but immediately calm down knowing its only Theo since he's the only one who calls me that god awful nickname.

"Shit, walker. You need to stop doing that." I tell him catching my breath.

He's sat on the bar stool munching on some vegemite coated toast. "Why do you call me Walker?"

Goddammit, his morning voice is fucking hot. His voice is already deep and gruff but now it's even worse – his words coming out like gravel and rocks mixing together in a melodic rhythm.

Pretending like I wasn't just completely drooling over his annoyingly sexy voice, I look back at him perplexed, "Why do you call me Minnie?"

"I asked you first." He says taking another bite. A smirk tugs his lips indicating his acknowledgment of my not so subtle gawking.

"You don't deserve being called by your given name." I draw out calmly. He's not worth getting fired up over.

The glint in his amber depths darken but not from anger. The same pain I saw on his face last night reappears in his beautiful eyes. The same pain that resembled self-hatred.

The part of me that wanted to rip him to shreds dances around in victory for making him feel even an ounce of what he caused me.

However, the other, more dominant part of me that was still unwillingly in love with him longed to wrap him in my arms, apologise repeatedly and kiss his misery away.

I just stood still, trying to fight off the devil on my shoulder scolding me for my actions.

"I call you Minnie because you're short. Minnie as in Minnie Mouse." Standing up, he walks around the kitchen island to put his finished plate in the sink. His ring cladded hands reach for the washing liquid and begin cleaning his plate. 

"Minnie is an animated character. I'm a living person."

"But she's short so it's fitting."

"She's got an annoying, high pitched voice."

"Your point?"


"She's a mouse!"

"She's cute."

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