Screen Time

103 5 29

^^ Ashton Irwin as Theo Walker

Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift

(Trigger Warning - mild mention of abuse)


"Who do you think will get the male lead?"

"I don't know but I hope he's hot."

"Ivy!" I gape at my best friend while she casually leans against the back of her chair.

Ivy has been my best friend since ninth grade. We never had any classes together but every lunch break we'd find ourselves seated underneath the massive oak tree at the back of the school, giggling at the twelve graders that we'd find attractive. Despite only having lunch breaks to catch up, our friendship was stronger than a mother's bond with her newborn.

A bit of a stretch? I don't think so.

Once in eleventh grade, there was a boy in our year level that wouldn't stop pestering me about sending provocative photos. He was that guy that acted all tough but in reality would immediately run for the hills as soon as a bee caught his sight. So, Ivy thought of the brilliant idea of pretending to be my "boyfriend" by wearing baggy clothes, contouring her hand to make it look bigger and stronger, and standing behind me in a mirror selfie to post on snapchat. I was already relatively short at 5'1', while Ivy is around 5'8' so the height difference wasn't an issue.

So to put it simply? She's the sister I never had.

The café we've situated ourselves in is dimly lit as the morning sun slowly leaks light into the building. We're currently attempting to wake ourselves up by sipping on the strongest coffee on the menu, preparing ourselves for the long twelve hour shooting.

Key word – attempting.

"What? There's no use of having a lead man if he's not eye candy," Ivy spoke matter-of-factly while grabbing the fluffy turquoise scrunchie from her wrist and tying her strawberry blonde hair into a messy bun. I roll my eyes as she continues, "I mean, I'm just thinking about our audience here. It's not like I'm going to stare at him until he gets the point and makes a move..." she trails off, lifting her eyebrows and slowly bringing her mug up to her chapped pink lips.

The fact that I don't know who I'm leading with irritates me beyond belief. Our producer, Shelby, had emailed the cast their roles but then told us to keep it strictly confidential. Something about 'leaving it a mystery will keep everyone on their toes'. Her need for being dramatic will get her fired one day or will get me fired from attempted murder.

What if I don't know him? What if I do but don't like him? What if I used to have a crush on him? What if I'm related to him? What if he's way older than me? I've barely lived my life as a twenty-year-old, I don't need my partner to be someone who looks like they're old enough to be my father because I know for a fact, we end up as love interests. What if he's stuck up or too inexperienced? Shelby's logic for this method has too many loose ends and has me seriously questioning her sanity.

"Having an attractive lead man would be completely pointless if he doesn't know how to act. Sure, a pretty face is...beneficial in some sense, but the chemistry we hold would carry the whole story. Which is why I'm so concerned to see who I'll be working with." I explained anxiously. My fingers nervously played with the zipper of my denim jacket while I re-evaluated my decision to becoming an actress in the first place.

"Babe, don't stress. You're the most talented and hardworking woman I know. Shelby wouldn't pair you with someone undeserving of the role," her eyes pour sincerity into mine, reassuring me. "Plus, you're right. It's one hundred percent about chemistry. Anyone would be praising the lords for having the honour to work besides you. I mean, look at you – if I weren't straight I'd totally hit that." Ivy suggestively winks one of her sapphire at me.

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