Screen Time (5)

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^^  I mean-

Talking Body - Tove Lo

Understand Me - CMC$ ft Conor Maynard

i love you - Billie Eilish

(Trigger Warning - mention of abuse and suicide)


My dainty hands grip the metal ladder, struggling to climb to the top of the tall slide. Every muscle pulling my weight upward aches, the skin on my hands stretching after every pull as gravity challenges my strength. The school's navy blue bucket hat flops over my face, blocking my view of my destination and causing me to stagger, but before I can slip I manage to stabilise myself.

I can't fall. I don't want to get another boo-boo like last time.

"Hi Maya!"

My head whips to look behind me, a toothy grin splitting my face at the sight of the small blonde boy through the playground. A miniature football rests under his right arm while his left shields the blinding sun, the same grin plastered on his chubby face.

(I know there's no football but you guys get the point

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(I know there's no football but you guys get the point.)

"Hi Teo!" I couldn't pronounce my 'Th's" yet but he didn't mind. Well, at least I don't think so. He never once corrected me.

I love Theo. He's my best friend. Even if we don't play every day, I know he tries his very best to check up on me when he can. A few days ago, we made figurines of ourselves with playdoh. There was only one new set of playdoh so Theo gave it to me while he played with the chunky, rough playdoh. I didn't think it was fair for him to play with the old set but he reassured me. "It's okay Maya, I promise. Just because it's a bit messed up doesn't mean you can't play with it." He had said. I thought it was really nice of him. The other kids wouldn't have done that for me.

His tiny feet pad across the bark and stops at the bottom of the ladder, gazing up at me. "That's the big slide. You're super brave!"

"Tank you, Teo! I'm a bit scared." Looking down the slide, I realise how high up I am. What if the slide breaks? What if I can't stop at the bottom? I don't wanna get another boo-boo!

"Don't worry, Maya. I'll go down the end and catch you!" Before I can object, Theo is stood at the bottom of the slide with arms open ready to stop me. "Come on! You can do it!"

Inhaling a deep breath, I swing my legs over and grab the handles of the slide, prepping for my journey. "Ready?" I shout and he screams out a loud 'yes'.

Scooting forward, I feel the dip of the slide as my toosh begins to descend the metal slide. Heart dropping to my stomach, my body surges forward and the wind blows through my hair making it feel like I'm free falling. Fearful squeals leave my mouth while my hands fist the air, frantically searching for something to grab onto.

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