Ok. So here's lunch time.

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Chapter 11

Still Jade's POV

It was lunch time. My time to find me a date. A real boy who won't bail on me for his slut he calls a girlfriend. I had my eyes on Chase Rowe. He had just broke up with Courtney, and was sad. But I didn't want to seem desperate, even though I was. I had to ask him, didn't I ? Yes, I had to. I needed to stop being such a wimp, and ask him. Just as I was walking up, I turned right back around. UGH! What was going on? I'v never been this way before, why was I so nevous. I looked like a fool pacing back and forth in the caferteria. I took a deep breath in and released it and walked towards Chase.

"Uh. . . Uh. . ." Why the hell was I studering, so I pretened to clear my throat, and continued on talking. "Sorry, I need to know."

He looked up at me with his deep blue eyes with a smirk. Chase was a sweet boy. He would've definitely have been my first choice, if it wasn't for Courtney. She was a total slut anyway, I think that's why he was so heartbroken . She broke up with him, while being caught kissing another dude. They're relationship was only like 5 months, but I guess he got clinged fast. When he finally brought himself to talk me his voice was hot!

"Need to know what?"

"Something!" He let out a small chuckle.

"Well are you going to tell me what 'something' is?" I nodded and took a seat.

"Look I'm desperate! Do you have a date to formal?"

"Uhh, well I was supposed to go with her, " he looked over at Courtney and then back at me, "but that's done." he looked sad. I kind of felt sorry for him.

"I'm sorry, if you don't wanna I understand,  it's okay."

"No, no. . . it's fine. See Jade, I'm in a funk. I need to get out if this funk. I need to have fun, so my parents can stay out if my personal life. I need this. I need to be back the way I was 2 weeks ago, happy! And I'm depending on you to help me. " He sat up straight and looked at me with those gorgeous eyes, "Can you help me? "

I knew I was smiling like a freaking retard, but I didn't care, "Yes, I'm pretty sure I can."

"Okay then. Pick you up at 7:30?"

"Of course! " As we both stood, we waved and turned our separate ways. Then this bitch pops up when I'm walking towards my friends.

"Slut much? " the look on her face was filled with jealousy.

"Suck Much?"I heard her little gasp, as she played dumb . I laughed and kept walking. She had some nerve to call anyone a slut. But that didn't even get to me, Jordan leaving me for his flip floppy girlfriend, it didn't bother me. I had a cute date to formal. And this was all I needed.

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