Ready for Tonight ?

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Chapter Nine .

Laney's POV .

I woke up to Chance and Josh cooking breakfast, shoot I hope they don't start a fire. But I was barely woke and it was 7 in the morning! I didn't wake till 8. But I just went with it. I dragged myself into the bathroom , and then down the stair. My hair was every where. But I didn't care cause they were family.

"AHHHH ! Eww." I heards Chance scream. I put on one those 'forget you' smiles. Then I heard Josh laughing.

"You two are so nice." I said sarcastically. Then Josh handed me my plate over the bar and whispered something dumb.

"Sammy wasn't over last night was he." he looked at me curiously, but I knew it was one those 'i'm kidding looks. "That explains why I heard noises and you look like this."

"Eww your gross, I heard that." I heard Chance say.

"I know right, he can't whisper at all. And what do you mean ew?"

"I'm 14, not 2 ! "

"Okay then." I said, "But do I really look that bad?"

"Yes ! " I heard them say in unison.

"I slept on my back last night," when I sleep on my back I'm very tired and wake up feeling wierd. "Up with you two last night!"

"Ohh that's no joke, when she sleeps on her back, she's worn out." Chance said. My brother knew me like the back side of his hand, considering I was really all he had. I was all he and Josh had really, considering the fact that our parents never stayed still.

"Oh, I just learned a new fact about Laney!" He was a big goof ball. We all sat down and watched the morning news, and ate the breakfast the two had prepared. It was actually better than the breakfast I can prepare. I knew they used the cook book though. But still they followed directions very well.

"Okay boys it is now 7:55, be ready to walk out by 8:45!." I got up and walked up stairs to take me a hot shower, this officialy woke me up. I heard a voice come from outside the door, I paused my wonderful shower for a minute. It was Josh's voice.

"Laneyyyyyyy ! " I was like is it a freaking off button on this thing!? I stepped out, wrapped myself in a towel, and opened the door as the cold air hit my warm body.


"Don't get angry, I just needed a towel."

I looked towards Chance's bathroom, and he noticed and said "he wouldn't answer me." I threw him a towel and closed the door and he stopped it with his foot.

"And dear, don't be flattered if I wanted to see you naked I could've did it alongggg time ago."He laughed and walked away.

"HaHa, you pig !" I joked . I closed the door and went back to my shower. When I was done I had forgot all my clothes in my room, and I wrapped my self up and ran for room. I put on an outfit I bout a week ago and I've never worn it. It was some royal blue skinny jeans with like line things deccorated in them. I had on a black shirt that hung long in the back and short in the front. I put on some black Toms and some black pearl like earrings. Yeah, I think I looked great. I curled my hair and put on a headband that matched my shoes, and decided to abandon the pearls and go with hoops. This took me 25 minutes. And as I walked down the stairs the boys were sitting on the couch watching t.v.

"Waiting on me?"

Josh looked back an eyed me , "You look awfully pretty today."

"You mad bro?" I said laughing and walked out of the door with them following behind.

"For what reason, this is why I don't give girls compliments."

"Bohooo!" I said, "It didn't make since, I just read it on my phone and was looking for the right time to say it."

"Aren't you smart?" interupted my brother.

"Yeah ! Very !" said Josh.

"You two just talk about me right in my face!"

"Better than behind your back right?"

"Shut up Chance and get out." I said when we pulled up to his school. The trip to school was about formal and some of our horrible singing. And when we pulled up to the school I got out and caught up with Sammy when I seen him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in for a kiss, and whispered in my ear. "Ready for tonight." And I smiled and nodded. I loved this dude. When the kiss deepened, we heard a voice behind us.

"No kissing at school." Jade's little perky's voice came walking towards us with a big smile on her face. "Mind if I steal her for a minute?" He let go of me.

"Sure." He said smiling down at me. "I have to go talk to Josh about something anyway."

"Woah! Official?" said Jade when he walked away. I looked back at him, and then at Jade with a big cheesy grin.


"Since when?"

"Since the day after we talked, Tuesday."

"Aww that's so sweet and cute and all the above mashed up in one! You guys look good together."

"Thank You."

"Okay, Kathy's in the gym." As we walked towards the gym Jordan caught up with Jade, he had this dumb look on his face. I didn't like Jordan. Sure he was hot and all but he was a total prick.

"Hey Jade, Laney." he said softly.

"Hey" I said.


"I have to talk to you Jade."



" Uhh Okay, Laney i'll meet you there." I nodded and walked away. Wonder what was going on? He was about to break my bestfriends heart. And then I was going to have to break his face. I heard it in his voice. And it made me angry.

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