A Day Before Graduation/ Graduation.

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UGHH I been slacking!

Chapter 41

(Laney's POV)

I paced back and forth in my room. My God we're graduating tomorrow. I'm under pressure. I'm happy. I'm scared. I need Sammy.

'Watcha doing tonight, call me:( ' I texted him.

The next 5 minutes I heard my phone buzzing.

"Sammy!" I exclaimed through the phone.

"Yes sweetness?"

"Tomorrow is graduation."

"Yeah." He let out chuckle.

"I'm nervous as hell."

"Don't be."

"okay." I stated simply.

"How about we get ready together tomorrow." he asked.

"That'd be so awesome." I said smiling.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Leave my stuff over there. After school, we can just drive to your place."

"Sounds like a plan, what are your doing?"



"Where will we be after summer."

"College!" I said laughing.

"No. . ." his voice was serious and full of worry. "Us Laney." I knew it was serious, he didn't call me 'sweetness... Babe... ' Nothing. He called me Laney... I laid face up on my back, and let out a sigh.

"Well, if your serious about taking this further. . ." he cut me off.

"What do you mean serious. I love you."

"I love you too, and thats why I need to know."

"Know what?"

"Where are we going."

"That's the exact same thing I just asked you." he said chuckling a little.

"Oh yeah. . . First, what college did you apply for?"

"I applied for some colleges here in Texas, and some near by."

"Like where babe!"

"Calm it shortie." he laughed. "I may have applied for Florida State University... " I started bouncing on my bed.

"No wayyy."

"Yesss wayy." he said trying to imitate my voice.

"I could kiss you right now!"

"Save it. Please do!"

"Haha sure."

"Got to go parents and my asshole I call a brother is here." he said making me laugh. "Goodnight sweetness." I smiled, there's my name!

"Goodnight baby."

With that, I decided to sleep with Chance again.

"Lonely again." he said looking you from his phone.

"No, nervous." I said hopping on his back.

"Uhh, get off."


"Anyways, my birthday is going to be awesome right?"

"Of course, especially if you let me plan it, just make your guest list, and me and the girls got ya."

"I don't want noooo pink shit!" he said chuckling.

"Pretty in pink party. Awesome." He flipped me off of his back and pointed at me.

"I'd rather have Superman. And he sucks ass..And why is there a theme to everything. Throw a party, and get drunk right?"

"Umm. . . ignoring that." I said flipping over to go to sleep.

"Seriously Laney, Sam is 15, I need a awesome party."

"I thought Sam was 14, but trust me. It'll be a awesome ... a awesome party." I decided to throw him a pool party since it was summer.


"Night." with that we fell asleep like childhood again.


"Sweetie, Oh Gosh! I'm so proud!" my mom came crashing into the door. I rubbed my eyes open just to see Chance jump and fall off the bed.

"Oh I'm sorry! " she looked over at Chance laughing a bit. He waved indicating he was fine.

"Mom! It's like an hour before I get up." I didn't even have to prepare. Graduation here was after school for some reason. And it's a Friday.

"I'm sorry, we got in last night, I couldn't wait to tell you congratulations."

My dad helped Chance up and walked over and squeezed me.

"I'm so proud." he said. Gosh I hated how my parents got all emotional. They even acted like this when Chance 'graduated' from kindergarten.

"Thanks." I said yawning. I was barely awake, and already getting tackled with hugs and kisses.

I hugged both my parents and prepared for the longest day of my life. I had to go to school to finish helping, all the seniors did.

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