The Night Before

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Chapter 8

Josh's POV.

I laid their in my bed thinking hard. I wanted Kathy so bad. But I couldn't be with her, I mean I don't think. She made everything easier on me, well until now. I had talked to her around 7 , and it was almost a 3hour conversation about the formal, pointless crap, and other things that made things awkward. But I loved talking to her. She made everything better. At least I got to take her to formal then i'll really see what going on here. Me, Sammy , and Jordan had to be friends right. So me and Sammy got to know this Jordan dude at lunch , he was on the football team. But we never really associated. He was sorta an ass. I don't think him and my little friend Jade would work well. I called Laney, and not surprised her line was busy. But she called me back a couple minutes after I called.

"What's up boo?" she asked in a playful voice. I let out a laugh and then it shortly became a sigh like grunt thing.

"I don't know right now, I just needed to talk to someone. I got a lot on my mind. "

"Aww I sorry. What's going on? "

"I haven't talked to my parents in forever. Well 3 days. I've been here alone since Sunday. They called me Monday, but it was just how's the house. It's like I'm shit to them. But I don't care. At least I got you and my other people's to keep me going."

"Of course you do dear. I'm sorry though. No one's here but Chance and me. Wanna come over?"

"Sure." I needed to hang out with some people like family. I had so much going on, I and I did live next door. And her brother was cool, he helped me with my science homework once. Dude's smart. "I'll be over in a minute, tell Chance to fire up his Play Station, i'll bring Mortal Kombat so I can whoop both you!" I said laughing.

"Blah ! Whatever you suck! Bye dudeeeee!"

"You sing horribly, Bye." and I hung up the phone, and got in the shower, and over to Laney's house.

I rung the door bell, and the second time Chance came with goggles and gloves on . I looked at him strangely.

" Testing some things, and you interupted." he said running back up the stairs, and he shortly tuurned around, "Ya know, I'm not evem going to bame you for this. I'm going to blame my lazy sister! Fine with you?" I let out a laugh. He was a funny kid too.

"Sure little dude."

"Shut up Chance!" Laney interupted the awkward conversation walking down the stairs."I have you two both know I'm just getting out the shower!" She snatched the game out of my hand and walked towards their game room, and I threw my bag in the guest room and found her sitting on the couch texting of course.

"Who ya talking to?" I said nosily.

"Josh ! Don't watch me type ." She didn't like people watching her type anything. It was just weird to her. I threw my arms up in defense.

"Sorrryyy! But who are you talking to ?"

"Kathy you very nosey person ! " I threw myself on the couch and glanced over at her.

"I'm taking her to formal tomorrow night."

"Just don't lead her on. Please don't."

"Why would I hurt Kathy? She's like a sister to me."

"I know you would never hurt her intentionally, but," She looked away from her phone, and at me dead in the eye, "She likes you." I slapped my head.

"I know she does, and I'm being completely honest, I told her I liked her too. I told her I was just scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Everything ! "

"Like . . . Just express you self to me."

"I like her , I just never knew I liked her so much until yesterday. And I'm pretty sure she told you what happened right?"

"Yeah! Of course."

"Well that's how I feel . That why tomorrow is the ultimate test."

"Oh, so you got a plan?" she said sarcastically.

"Not really a plan, thinnk of it as a reality check!" Just as the conversation ended, Cahnce came down the stairs, and ready to play .

After that we all went to our rooms and I drifeted into a restless sleep thinking about tomorrow night.

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