This Trance I'm In .

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Chapter 2

I pulled up to the school and hopped out of my car. I drove a red Camry, and it suited me well. I was short honey skinned girl and I was average looking I guess.

I walked down the hallway to my locker, it was right next to my friends Jade's.

"Hey hun! " I said walking up to her.

"Hey!" Jade was a perky girl, she didn't care what anyone said about her, and she had very good self esteem. Jade was a mixed girl, and co captin of the cheerleading squad. I was offered but I voted Jade up and she accepted. "You look worn! "

I put on a light smile, "Up talking too my idiots last night. "

She laughed, "How long? "

"Till two! "


"We got practice? " And then I seem him walking towards me, well his locker was 4 lockers down. Everything Jade was saying faded into the noise of the hallways. I was in a trance, it seemed like love, I didn't know what was my problem. Every time I see this dude the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, my heart start speeding up. Sammy was everything a girl could want, he had a nice haircut, his skin color was bright, tall, and a basketball player. Thats the only reason I really tried out for the cheerleading squad, to watch him play. And we got to ride on the bus with the team. I've had conversations with him before, but every time I end up laughing stupidly and saying something that was dumb in my head and amused him. So then I end up walking away. Every time he smiled at me my heart melted and dropped right on the ground.

"Laney !" Jade snapped her fingers in front if my face. "Are you even listening to me? "

I bit down on my lip, not wanting my day dream to end, and faced her "Uhh. . . You said something about. I don't know! "

"Owe! You just. . . " her jaw clenched as she looked at me with her sincere eyes, "Oh, I'm sorry dear. Why don't you quit your dreaming and talk to him? "

I buried my head in my hands for a second, I was so embarrassed! "UGH! I can't! Every time it doesn't go so well. "

"He likes you! "


"I'm just saying -" she was cut off by Kathy.

"Hey my two boos! " she said with a big smile.

Jade laughed, "Someone's happy on a Monday! "

"Veryyy happy! "

I just sat there, I had once again accidentally tuned them out. They're voices faded away again. And my head was back in the clouds.

"What's wrong!?" Kathy's voice traveled loudly through my ear and I jumped. I looked at her and then she looked at Jade. Jade looked over towards Sammy.

"Oh! Sam!" She gave me a nudge, as in 'lets go to class.'

We walked away from our lockers . We were almost late talking at our lockers for 10 minutes. We walked into class and Mr. Waldo was already beginning his lesson. He was an awesome teacher, But today I was totally zoned out. It was something different about Sammy today. I had see this guy 5 hours out of the day, the only class I was free from his sexiness was gym and math. It's like I'm stuck in this fantasy world and can't find a way out.

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