Lets skip.

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Chapter 19

Josh's POV

When me and Lane jumped out of the car, I seen Kathy and she seen Sammy. So we waved bye and I ran over to Kathy and opened her car door.

"Hey baaby." It felt weird, but so right calling her that.

"Hey hun!" she said with a smile. But she looked pissed when it faded.

"Babe , What's wrong?" Tears started to form in her eyes when I pulled her closer to hide her face. "Did I do something? I'm sorry. " she let out a smile laugh.

"No, of course not. It's my parents, their splitting up, after almost 20 years of their lives together, and I'm posed to be okay with this?" she started crying harder, "I'm the only fucking child. And I'm just posed to be fine?! "

"Calm down! " I rubbed her back, and we sat down at a near by bench.

"You do have me, if you wanna talk about it." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Let's skip school. "

"You sure? You know you have a perfect record." I said playfully poking at her nose.

"I don't care anymore. Pleaseeee! " I grabbed her hand and we drove my car to a near-by diner. No one cared that we were posed to be in school, if they knew.

"Wanna talk about it?" I wrapped my arms around her and we sat facing the big windows as few cars drove by.

"Well, my mom is whore. " I let out a little laugh.

"Don't say that! "

"She cheated on my dad on one of her business trips for the weekend. But then the 2 nights my mom was gone, my dad was boring , so I stayed with Lane and Chance. Turns out he had women over. So yeah he's a whore too. "

"That sucks. " I was speechless, "How'd they find each other out?"

"My mom found some 'clothes ' thug weren't hers, and condoms under the mattress when she made the bed. And my mom got pissed and gave all her little secret away. I couldn't stand to look at either of them. That's why I didn't answer anybody last night. I'm sorry baby."

"I understand, I really do. But next time I can come over. We could do some childish shit." This gotta laugh out of her.

"I would love that."

"Speaking of childish, let's go to the park! "

"For a walk?"

"Noo! I don't walk." I said laughing.

"okay then wh-" I cut her off.

"Shhh! Just C'mom ." I pulled her up from the table and we ran out the diner and tipped the waitress.


Kathy's POV

Josh is being so supportive of me. He's such a gem. But what could he want to do at a park? The car trip was filled awkward silence. I think all silence, is awkward.

"Turn on some music!" I said punching him in the arm.

"Ouch! I'm soft!" he said laughing. When we pulled up to the park he basically dragged me through the sand trying to get to the swing.

"These sandals are new! " I screamed.

"I'll buy you some more! Don't be such a girl."

"Fine. . . Stop!" I stopped and pulled both of my sandals off, and we continued running. The park was completely deserted, so no wrestling 5 year olds for swings. Josh lifted me up in the air and kissed me. He was in a playful mood, and had the cutest grin on his face. He sat me down on the swing and started pushing me, and then started swinging himself. Just swinging and laughing. It was the best day ever, almost better than the night of formal.

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