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The next morning I walked into the rehearsal room, it was the same place that Amélie and I had been dancing at a few days prior.

I see some other people walking around and warming up and I smile at them. Someone comes walking up as I set my guitar on the ground and pull my sheet music from my bag.

"Hi, you're Isabella? Isabella Rossi?" I nod smiling up at him, taking his outstretched hand.

"Yeah hi, um who are you?" He laughs.

"I'm Greg Phillinganes. I'm the lead keyboard and the musical director. I listened to your audition recording and you're super talented. Especially considering you're what, 18? 19? Like incredible." I blush and look down at the floor.

"Yeah 18, and thank you." He smiles and calls everyone

"Okay everyone. We're gonna do some quick introductions and then we can get started. We have two days to really get this down before the dancers come in. They really appreciate it if we don't mess up, so let's do our best here." We all laugh and circle up. "Alright I'll go first. If you don't know, I'm Greg. I'm the musical director and lead keyboard, I'm really excited to meet and work with all of you." He turns to me.

"Hi everyone, I'm Isabella. I'm lead guitarist and uh yeah." I say before turning to the next guy.

"Hi everyone! I'm Rory. I play the keyboard and do the synthesizers." He seems nice.

"Hey there, I do the sound effects, synclavier, and the digital effects," he pauses. "Oh and my name is Christopher but you can call me Chris." We all laugh as the next person starts talking.

"Hey everyone, I'm Ricky, I play drums and percussion."

The only other girl speaks next. "Hi! I'm Jennifer, but you guys can call me Jenn. I play guitar and rhythm." I smile at her.

"Hello, I'm Jon and I play rhythm guitar."

"Hey, I'm Don, I play bass and synth bass." The last guy speaks.

"Okay so you all have your music?" Greg asks. We all nod. "Perfect. Okay let's take five minutes to tune and warm up then we'll run through it and fix things." We all nod and go to our instruments.

"Hey, I know we are already introduced, kinda, but I figured us girls should stick together. I'm Jenn." The other girl walks up to me.

"Yeah we should, especially considering that we're going to be surrounded by guys for like a year." We laugh before tuning together.

"How long have you been playing?" She asks me as we get the music set up.

"Since I was six, so about 12 years now, you?"

"Since I was eight, so 16 years." I nod and Greg gets our attention.

"Okay everyone tuned? Perfect. We're going to run through the basic set list, then the encore. If anyone has any questions go ahead and ask them, if anyone needs to repeat a few bars or something let me know." We all get ready and he counts us in.

After the rehearsal, I walk down the hall going to coffee with Jenn. One of the doors is open and I see the same guy as before dancing. I pause and watch him and Jenn turns, giving me a weird look. I hold my finger up to my lips and nod slightly at the guy. She takes a small step back to me and looks at the guy dancing. He has a small smile on his face, it's clear he's enjoying it. She starts walking away but I stay watching him, in a trance.

"Isabella, c'mon." She says. I snap out of it and as I turn away to walk down the hall I swear I had seen his head turn in my direction.

"What was that?" She asks as we walk down the stairs.

"Oh um I danced for a long time when I was younger and I had seen him before."

"Do you know him?" I shake my head.

"No, we've never talked. I don't even know his name." She smiles as we open the doors.

"You were really good today by the way."

"Aw thank you, you were too."

Two days later and I'm walking into rehearsal with Jenn, having ran into her at the starbucks down the street. I see three new guys stretching. Two more new guys walked in after I had finished tuning. I looked up and saw the guy who had been dancing before. He looks over and we share a small smile.

"Okay everyone, we're just gonna jump into this, the dancers have been briefed as to what we're doing today. The 14 of us should get to know each other, so let's just go around and say our names. I'll go first, I'm Vince and I'm the choreographer." The band and I go then it's the dancers turn.

"Hey, I'm Randy."

"LaVelle, hi everyone."

"Hello, I'm Evaldo."

The one who I had seen dancing goes last. "Hi, I'm Dominic." He glanced over at me as Vince started talking again.

"Okay, Dominic, stretch out and we will run through slowly, ask questions if you have them. We'll start in a few minutes."

Through most of the songs I zone out and watch the dancers, mostly Dominic though. I really had loved dancing.

The next week Micheal Jackson joined us at rehearsals, so we moved to a different rehearsal space which meant I had to get up early.

I was laying on the floor before rehearsal when Dominic walked in. He smiled and sat down next to me.

"Tired?" He asks. I nod sleepily.

"My coffee machine broke this morning and it was either be late or get coffee and I didn't want to be late so.." I trail off. He smiles and holds out a thermos.

"Want some of mine?" I sit up and look at him as more people come into the room.

"Are you sure?" He nods, smiling slightly he hands it to me. I take it and shoot him a grateful smile before taking a sip. I try to hand it back and he shakes his head.

"No, I'll be alright, you can have the rest."

"I'm just playing an instrument, you're going to be dancing. You'll need it more than me." He shakes his head again.

"I'll be fine."

"Share it?" I offer.

"You're not going to just take it, are you?" I shake my head smiling. "Fine." I hand it back so he can have some before we start rehearsing.

As Jenn and I walk out she nudges me. "What was that this morning huh?"

"What thing?" I play dumb.

"With you and Dominic, with the coffee?"

"Oh my coffee machine broke this morning and it was either be late or don't have coffee so he offered me some of his, it was nothing really."

"Mhm sure." I just roll my eyes deciding not to argue.

A/N: sorry for it being so late, i had to reset my email and it took forever for some reason :/


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