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Dom had invited me to coffee about a week later and I was excited. I got there first and ordered a hot chocolate before sitting down in a corner seat. He comes in a few minutes later and orders a drink before walking to the corner seat. He pauses for a second but keeps walking.

"I thought I had gotten here first and was coming to the corner seat." He says laughing, putting his drink down. I smile, taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "What're you drinking?" He asks, nodding at my cup.

"Hot chocolate!" I say with a small smile. He turns from where he had been looking through his bag with a look of shock on his face.

"Really?" I nod, confused.

"Yeah, why?"

"I also got a hot chocolate."

"Great minds think alike." We say together before staring at each other with wide eyes.

"Stop. No seriously, stop."

"Okay now that's getting creepy." His face of shock mimics my own as we keep talking together.

"What? No! Pineapple juice! Octopi or octopuses? Octopi definitely!" We start laughing at the same time, giving up.

"So remember at Randy's party when I said I didn't have your present on me?" I nod slightly, confused.

He hands me a small thin box. I open it carefully, smiling when I see what it is. It's a small bracelet with a book on it. He holds his wrist up and I see a matching one.

"Look closely." He urges. I give him a confused look, but hold it up closer. In very small letters it says Pride and Prejudice.

"Pride and Prejudice?" I ask, looking up at him. He nods and holds his hand out again. I look at his and it says The Great Gatsby.

"My favorite book." We say together before laughing again.

"Yeah, that way we'll always have a part of the other one with us, even when we're not together." He says, blushing slightly and putting the bracelet on. I nod, smiling and looking at it before taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Why didn't you have it at the party?" I ask as we walk out of the shop a few minutes later.

"Oh I wasn't sure if I was coming, or if you'd be there and I didn't want to risk breaking it." He explains, taking my hand. We decide to go to a planetarium and look around.

"Woah! This is so cool!" I exclaim, looking around at the ceiling that has stars.

"And pretty." He adds. I look over and his head is turning to face a planet, Neptune.

"And pretty." I agree, smiling slightly. We watch the show and walk around, learning about stars.

We walk back out into the sun, squinting at the bright sun. I see a familiar building and smile at up Dom.

"We should go dance!"

"But we're not dressed to dance-"

"Who cares! Let's go!" I drag him inside and we get a room. We look through the CD's trying to decide on a song.

A few hours later and I walk back into my apartment, still smiling over the last joke.

"Oh Isaaa!!" I hear Amelia call from her room.

"What do you need?" I ask, pausing in her doorway.

"How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date."


"It wasn't!" She gives me a look. "Honestly, we got hot chocolate and walked around talking for a while before deciding to dance at the studio."

"What's that on your wrist?"

"Oh his christmas present for me, he didn't have it with him on new years." She holds her hand out expectantly and I roll my eyes, jumping on the bed next to her. I let her look at it.

"Pride and Prejudice?" I nod, smiling slightly.

"He has one that's The Great Gatsby."

"See! He's already giving you couplely presents."

"No! It's cause that's one of the first things we learned about each other." She gives me an unconvinced look and I roll my eyes.

February 16th

We had our first rehearsal for the U.S. leg of the tour, mostly to just make sure we remembered everything and to possibly change some things. During our lunch break I see Dom laying on his back, on the floor. I go over and lay across him, my head on his stomach.

"Can I help you?" He asks, laughing. I smile and shake my head.

"Just wanted company that's not going to talk my ear off." I say, glancing over from his face to where Randy was animatedly talking to LaVelle who had a bored expression on his face.

"I can do that if you want." Dom jokingly offers. I shake my head and move around slightly, getting more comfortable.

"Is this okay?" I check, not wanting to hurt him.

"Yeah, of course it is." He says with a small smile, putting his arm around my ribs. I hear someone walking over and then a weight on my stomach. I look down and see Randy, resting his head on my stomach like I was to Dom.

"Really?" I ask with an unamused expression on my face.

"What?" He asks. "You're doing it to Dominic."

"I- yeah okay that's fair." Eventually there's a line of people laying on others stomach and I hear Juan getting everyone's attention. He holds up a camera and we all awkwardly smile at him.

"Okay let's get back to it." He says after taking a few pictures. I sigh, not wanting to get up. Randy gets up and picks me up, pulling me out of Doms grip, running up to the fake stage.

"No! Dom! Help!" I jokingly scream, holding my hands out and trying to kick Randy. I see Dom getting up and running over.

He grabs my hands as Randy slows down, pulling me off Randy's shoulder. He gently sets me down and jokingly steps in front of me.

"Don't touch her!" He says with a deep voice, trying not to laugh.

"No Dom, it's okay." I say laughing. I take his hand and lead him away, him staring darkly at Randy who's practically doubled over in laughter.

"You okay?" He checked as we walked back to our bags to put our shoes on as we had taken them off.

"Yeah." I say with a small smile, taking the bracelet off before walking over to continue rehearsing.

A/N: sorry for the filler but those last couple of scenes in rehearsal was one of the first scenes i ever wrote, and i decided this would be the best place to put it in :))

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A/N: sorry for the filler but those last couple of scenes in rehearsal was one of the first scenes i ever wrote, and i decided this would be the best place to put it in :))


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